Welcome to the Washtenaw Writing Collaborative Facilitator Follow-up December 13, 2012
Social Dimension Find someone who . . . 8:00 – 8:15
Agenda Reflecting on our classrooms New learning Focus on our work in our buildings Lunch Planning time with option of meeting with your RA facilitator
Focus On Our Classrooms
Successes & Challenges 8:15-9:00 Slides 5-9
Quickwrite In relation to writing in your classroom… What is something that has gone well? What is a challenge you are facing? 8:15-8:20 - Writing time (silent)
Triad Share 8:20-8:40 Form triads with people at other tables (not from your school) See protocol hand out 5 minutes for each person (up to participants how closely to follow, but should focus on each for 5) 2-3 minutes to make a list of similarities & differences
Group Share 8:40-8:45 List successes & challenges Share out similarities
Addressing Challenges 8:45-8:50 Triads brainstorm ideas/responses to address one or more of the challenges Share out
Break 8:50-9:00
Assessment, Grading, & Feedback LINK Assessment, Grading, & Feedback 9:00 – 9:05 Purpose: Set up inquiry into grading and assessment & to learn a routine called LINK (list, inquire, note, know)
List List what you know about assessment, grading & feedback. 9:05 – 9:20 List - Could be thoughts, feelings, info, etc. (5 minutes) Partner share - 5 minutes Whole group List - 5 minutes (MAKE DISTINCTION between Slide 4 and Slide 13 when Eldow said, “Reward produces learning more effectively than punishment” Teachers Share their concerns about grading (groups share ah-ha): Probing questions if the group needs help with the focus of the conversation: Assessment: What do our students need? What are the best ways to meet these needs? Not to say that we have all the answers. This is a collaborative--we will work together to think about how to approach assessment. Possible answers from the group: * How can I return work on time? * Useful feedback * Grade vs. assessment * Accommodations (esp w/ TC) turn writing into more of a grade than an assessment of individual. Dawn: It’s not just TCs; sometimes I feel like I’m grading the parents’ work. * Differentiating * How much feedback is useful, absorbed. How much is too much? What will they actually use? * How much negative feedback can you give without creating discouragement? How much positive feedback is needed to balance negative? *It;s important for kids to know before an assignment is due what you are grading. * It’s hard to ignore conventions/grammar if using focused correction areas. Is it a disservice to students to ignore obvious areas that need improvement? * What message are we sending with grading? If you don’t address, are you saying it’s okay? Reminder: Refer back to Four Sure Things Teachers Can Do To Improve Student Writing
Inquire What questions do you have about grading, feedback & assessment? 9:20 – 9:30 Look at the list and think about conversations What questions do you have about things on the list or assessment in general? Jot down questions individually or with a partner (5 minutes) Share out partner/whole group (5 minutes) Chart whole group questions. We’ll use these questions to frame the work we do today & reflect on what we’ve learned
Assessment Options 9:30 -9:35 Set-up (slides 14-17) This morning we looked at various purposes for assessment. Now we are going to look at various tools. Which tool you use and how you use it will vary depending on your purpose for assessment. All types of assessment are useful; pros and cons are presented to help determine what will work best. Cons are presented as not roadblocks to stop you but as pitfalls that can be avoided. Much of this work, and quotes from students, comes from graduate program teacher research projects. 14
Carousel Directions With your group, you will move to each station. You will have a few minutes at to look through the materials at each station before we ask you to move on. Take notes on the hand-out found in your binder.
Assessment Options Rubrics Checklists/Teacher Feedback Peer Feedback These are the topics covered at each station. You find descriptions, pros and cons, and examples for each.
Carousel Notetaker 1. How would you describe or define this assessment option? 2. What purpose or purposes could this fill in your classroom? 3. Where do you see yourself applying this in your classroom? 9:35 10:05 Carousel As you look through the information, take notes answering these questions for yourself. (Leave on screen during carousel.)
LINK Return to LINK sheet
Know Jot down what you now know about grading, assessment & feedback. Return to inquiry questions. 10:05 – 10:20 Individually - Jot down any new insights, ideas, etc. (5 minutes) Partner/Full group share – Chart (5 minutes) Return to inquiry questions - table discuss insights to address any of those each table shares one? (5 minutes)
Lunch Focus on work as facilitators was cut and moved to January meeting because LINK ran long (until lunch).
Gots and Needs