National Young Mathematicians Award Year 6….In brief! Celebration names… 6L – Leo K 6F – Cali E-S 6ST – Ruby H 6W – Kirsten S English We will be starting to write parts of our newspaper/ biography using the features we identified last week. Maths: This week we will be looking at 2D and 3D shapes and making nets of a variety of complex shapes. We will be discussing and classifying a range of shapes based on their properties and size and using this knowledge to problem solve. Curriculum updates: IPC – Myths and Legends Science – Light PSHE/P4C – British Values R.E – Looking at Churches P.E – Salsa French – Holidays Computing – Tech for SPaG National Young Mathematicians Award On Wednesday afternoon, a group of four children from year 6 competed in the Explore Learning NYMA competition. Round 1 consisted of eleven schools from the local area competing in two different venues. The children were given a complex problem solving task and an hour to solve 4 separate challenges. They were assessed on the answers they found, the team work they showed and on the end of task presentation they preformed, detailing their findings. It was inspiring to see them work so well together and I am proud to announce that they have been selected to proceed to the next round. Well done to all those involved!