Starter: How do the agents of socialisation socialise us? Write a sentence to explain how each agent socialises us. E.g. Education teaches us to communicate with our peers. Family Education Religion Peers Workplace Mass Media L.O. To understand the different types of identity
Key words: Identity, collective identity, social identity Grade D/C: Can explain that identity is formed by many different factors. Can make links to socialisation and culture when discussing identity. Some key words used Grade C/B: Can explain the different types of identity which make us who we are. Clear links made to socialisation and culture. Good use of key terms. Grade B/A: Critical understanding of the different types of identity and how they make us who we are. Key terms and sociologists are used to make reference to socialisation and culture L.O. To understand the different types of identity
What is Identity? What makes us similar or different to certain people – helps us form social connections Influences how you live your life L.O. To understand the different types of identity
There are two parts to your identity How you see yourself Task: Write a sentence to describe the person sitting to your right’s identity. Do this without showing them or discussing it with them. Now write a sentence to describe your own identity. When you have finished compare the two descriptions. Are they similar or different? WHY do you think this is? There are two parts to your identity How you see yourself How others see you L.O. To understand the different types of identity
How it would affect the things you do and how you see yourself Task: Using the sheet discuss how each factor could affect a person’s identity: How it would affect the things you do and how you see yourself How it affects how other people see you REMEMBER: Identity is not just how you see yourself, but how others see you as well Sheet i L.O. To understand the different types of identity
Through socialisation, we acquire a social identity and develop roles. Sociologists believe the identity of a person is inseparable from their place in society and the culture of their society. Through socialisation, we acquire a social identity and develop roles. Task: write the top 5 factors which you think have affected your identity E.g. for me it could be. 1. University as it means I became a teacher 2. Travelling- this has enabled me to see some of the world and learn different cultures and make friends all over the world 3.I am Portuguese, so I am bilingual and have been exposed to different traditions to the British culture
Key words: Identity, collective identity, social identity Grade D/C: Can explain that identity is formed by many different factors. Can make links to socialisation and culture when discussing identity. Some key words used Grade C/B: Can explain the different types of identity which make us who we are. Clear links made to socialisation and culture. Good use of key terms. Grade B/A: Critical understanding of the different types of identity and how they make us who we are. Key terms and sociologists are used to make reference to socialisation and culture L.O. To understand the different types of identity
Different types of identity Collective identity Identity shared by a social group Involves both personal and social identity Group that we choose to join and identify with e.g. Football fan, Goth, Social No choice Based on the social groups to which you belong, mostly that you were born into Other people’s view of you Linked to social roles Individual/personal How you see yourself Self-concept Multiple identity People have more than one identity May draw on more than one source for their identity e.g. parents and friends May be different ‘selves’ in different circumstances or with different people L.O. To understand the different types of identity
Task: Looking back at your 5 factors, it is likely that you have identified multiple identities Think and discuss on your tables about the identity you present with the following people/circumstances: To your teachers at sixth form At home with your family To potential/actual love interests With your friends L.O. To understand the different types of identity
Key words: Identity, collective identity, social identity Grade D/C: Can explain that identity is formed by many different factors. Can make links to socialisation and culture when discussing identity. Some key words used Grade C/B: Can explain the different types of identity which make us who we are. Clear links made to socialisation and culture. Good use of key terms. Grade B/A: Critical understanding of the different types of identity and how they make us who we are. Key terms and sociologists are used to make reference to socialisation and culture L.O. To understand the different types of identity
Plenary: Pupil questioning- Ask someone in the class a question based on today’s lesson and learning outcome. Decide whether the person has answered the question correctly or give a target to help them improve. The next person will now ask a question..