PTK2202W: Penyelidikan Tindakan Isu Etika dalam Penyelidikan Tindakan PTK2202W: Penyelidikan Tindakan
Struktur Kursus Kod Kursus – PTK2202W Jam Kredit Interaksi Kuliah 2(2+0) Interaksi Kuliah 2 jam seminggu Kerja kursus Menulis kertas cadangan penyelidikan tindakan - 70 % Ujian Pendek (item objektif / struktur) – 30 %
Rujukan Kursus (Asas) Creswell,J.W. (2005). Educational research: Planning, conducting and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (2nd ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc. (Rujuk Bab 18 - Penyelidikan Tindakan) Mills, G. E. (2011). Action research. A guide for the teacher researcher (4th ed.). Boston, M.A.: Pearson Education Inc. Othman Lebar (2011). Kajian Tindakan dalam Pendidikan: Teori dan Amalan. Tanjung Malim, Perak: Penerbit UPSI.
Rujukan Kursus (Tambahan) McNiff,J. & Whitehead, J. (2009). Doing and writing action research. London: Sage Publications. McNiff,J. & Whitehead, J. (2011). All You need to know about action research. (2nd ed.). London: Sage Publications. Koshy, V. (2010). Action research for improving educational practice (2nd ed.). London: Sage Publications. Chow Fook Meng & Jaizah Mahamud. (2011). Kajian Tindakan : Konsep dan Amalan dalam Pengajaran. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbitan Multimedia. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. (2008). Buku manual kajian tindakan. Edisi Ketiga. Putrajaya: BPPP
Rujukan Kursus (Tambahan) Gillham, B. (2005). Research interviewing : Range of techniques. London: Open University Press. Johnson, A.P. (2009). What every teacher should know about action research. Boston, M.A.: Pearson Education Inc. Akhiar Pardi & Samsina Shamsuddin. ( 2011). Pengantar Penyelidikan Tindakan dalam Penyelidikan Pendidikan. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbitan Multimedia.
Etika Dalam Penyelidikan
Isu Etika: Dilema Penyelidik Bagaimanakah seseorang pengkaji memainkan peranannya sebagai seorang profesional dalam usaha mencari kebenaran menerusi penyelidikan tanpa menjejaskan hak dan kepentingan individu yang bakal mengambil bahagian dalam kajian yang dilaksanakan?
Definisi Etika Cavan A matter of principled sensitivity to the rights of others. Being ethical limits the choices we can make in the pursuit of truth (dalam Cohen, Manion & Morrison, 2000, hal. 56)
Punca Isu Etika Pelbagai punca isu etika Topik / fokus kajian cth pencapaian sub-kump etnik tertentu Konteks kajian cth sebuah sekolah berprestasi rendah Kaedah kajian cth pengumpulan data yang tersirat Jenis data yang dikutip cth data sulit / rahsia Tindakan susulan cth pelaporan dapatan kajian
Mendapat Kebenaran Informed Consent Pengalaman Peribadi The procedures in which individuals choose whether to participate in an investigation after being informed of facts that would likely influence their decisions An initial meeting was held with these groups to explain to them the purposes of the research and the nature of their involvement if they participated. These explanations paid special emphasis on: The research focus, namely, their practicum experiences The research purpose, emphasizing its non-evaluative nature Nature of their involvement, emphasizing their unchanged work load Kinds of data required and the data collection strategies to be employed Research ethics, emphasizing the confidentiality of their information
Penglibatan Sukarela (Voluntary) The decision to seek voluntary participation was guided by the thought that volunteers were more likely to be willing to contribute the rich and authentic data required in this study. It was also anticipated that involvement would be a very intensive commitment and any forced participation might have adverse consequences later on in the study.
Kerahsiaan Maklumat Kajian Cadangan dan pelan kajian mesti menyatakan bagaimana kerahsian maklumat dijamin berkesan. Perlindungan hak responden diutamakan. Perkongsian maklumat kajian tidak menjejaskan kepentingan responden
Kerahsiaan Identiti (Anonymity) The stricter standard is the principle of anonymity which essentially means that the participant will remain anonymous throughout the study -- even to the researchers themselves.
Hak Individu (Right to Service) Good research practice often requires the use of a no-treatment control group -- a group of participants who do not get the treatment or program that is being studied. But when that treatment or program may have beneficial effects, persons assigned to the no-treatment control may feel their rights to equal access to services are being curtailed.
Panduan Etika: Kemmis & McTaggart Observe protocol Involve participants Negotiate with those affected Obtain explicit authorizations Negotiate descriptions of people’s work Negotiate accounts of others’ points of view Obtain explicit authorizations before using direct quotations
Panduan Etika: Kemmis & McTaggart Negotiate reports for various levels of release Accept responsibility for maintaining confidentiality Retain the right to report your work Make your principles of procedure binding and known (Cohen, Manion & Morrison, 2000, hal. 68)