Ex. 1 - Pedestrian crossing issue Highlight – first ped. countdown display The problem is solved – no more injured ped. Mayor supported project City government looking for solution Pedestrain black spot in the middle of Belgrade
Macro - location
Problems identified in the field
Volumes TRAFFIC VOLUME PEDESTRIAN Dir 1 Dir 2 Friday veh (ped) / 15 min 75 137 153 107 212 260 300 548 612 428 848 1040 Sunday 28 90 42 85 118 127 112 360 168 340 472 608
Volumes 812 ped/h 476 ped/h 300 veh/h 548 veh/h 1364 veh/h 612 ped/h
Integrated method Composite rang IDENTIFYING AND RANKING Questionnaires or/and Interviews Subjective conflict technique Traffic accident analysis
Traffic accident analysis 25 accidents on pedestrian crossing 9 accidents out of pedestrian crossing Serious injuries Slight (minor) injuries
Subjective conflict technique Extremely dangerous situation Red light running (pedestrian) Red light running (vehicle) Long out of pedestrian crossing Out of pedestrian crossing... Dangerous situation - Speeding... Minor dangerous situation - Illegally parked vehicles...
Questionnaires and Interviews Extremely dangerous situation Minor dangerous situation...
Measures Speed hump – platform (7+2m, 7cm) Flowerpots, Guardrails, Billboards Special lightning It is better is to lose a moment in life, than to lose life in a moment! Countdown pedestrian display Renewed signalization – markers on driveway Surface of hump same as a pavement surface Speed hump – platform (7+2m, 7cm)