IDENTITY Who Am I? Defining “Me”
Free Write – food for thought questions – add your own as well! What defines you? What do you live for? What is important to you? Who do you admire/look up to/try to emulate? What inspires/drives you? What do you like about yourself?
How do you think others see you? What do you stand for? What is your truth? Are you religious? Spiritual? Other? What does that look like in your life? How might this define you? How do you think others see you? What are some traits about yourself you’d like to change? What traits do you embrace? What symbol would you say defines you?
TIME TO SHARE Turn to a partner you feel comfortable with and share some of the quips you wrote down – feel free to expand where you feel safe. ***************Partners,**************** ask questions to go deeper, but ONLY ANSWER WHAT YOU WANT!
Alice Walker Born to sharecropper parents in Eatonton, Georgia, in 1944, Alice Walker grew up to become a highly acclaimed novelist, essayist and poet. She is best known for her 1982 novel The Color Purple, which won the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and soon was adapted for the big screen by Steven Spielberg. Walker is also known for her work as an activist.
Read “Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self”, fill in discuss with a partner the questions at the end. Fill out graphic organizer Example of message: The message Walker sends to the reader is that self-acceptance is greater than trying to conform to the rest of the world’s standards of beauty. Instead, it is learning to accept who you are, both internally and externally. Once you come to peace with your outer features, flaws included, you can then find peace with your internal ones, such as confidence, self-worth, faith in one’s self, and happiness Homework Journal #1: "The Imperfect, Yet Perfect Me" - break down how you see your inperfections and how they make you who you are in a positive way! Please be creative (follow some of the examples shown on the next slides) and use Anadiplosis, extended metaphor, & imagery in your piece.