Designing Your Own Success Part One of the Positive Classroom Series of Self Help Programs Where you will be 5 years from now will depend on what you are doing now. If you want a different or better life 5 years from now you will need to change something. This Course will help you make the Changes necessary with as little stress as possible. You can be a better you with a brighter tomorrow!
I cannot design a system of success for you because there are as many definitions of success as there are people on the planet. Each of us has a different idea of what constitutes success. Remember success is what you think it is and not what others think. Success, your success must be personal and unique to you or you will not be satisfied with it in the long run. My Success is not your Success! We each march to the beat of a different drummer. Our course is one that takes your personal needs, wants, and desires into account.
Your success needs to have four elements for it to be satisfying and empowering: Purpose A good chance of achieving your goals It must be a joyful effort It must be personally satisfying
Thousands of studies have been conducted to find out what most people consider success to be: After all my basic needs are met, I want to be free: Not to have any money worries To do what I want To do it where I please To enjoy my life and my time
Design your success to include your freedom. Do not create a dollar green Frankenstein monster!
How can you do that? How can you keep freedom in focus? First of all make sure that what you are doing is something that really makes you happy. Get out a pencil and three ring note paper and make a list of 12 things you really love doing: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Now take the list and prioritize it. Numbering the list in order of preference. Now take your top 4 things and on a separate sheet of note paper for each use these four things as headings. Under each heading write down as many ways as you can think of to make money doing each one. I know this will take time but it is well worth it. For after a while you will have an outline of Potential Business Ventures.
These four sheets of paper will be the start of your future portfolio of work. This will become the design log of your new business life. This will put you ahead of the pack that is plodding off to work every Monday hating what they are doing and praying for Friday. When you are doing something you love doing you will see ways to overcome all obstacles and see the vision of tomorrow as achievable and down right fun!
Syllabus of First Course Designing Your Own Success Overcoming the Causes of Failure Making Your Dreams a Reality Self Motivation the Esteem Builder Attracting a Mentor Success Group Visualizing Reality, See it to Be it. Positive Listening Imagineering for Solutions Positive Banking for Wealth Building Positive Relaxing Builds Stamina Connecting with Fellow Positive People Sharing the Positive Experience with Others Memory the keys