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Presentation transcript:

Response to Literature Reacting to a literary work . . . From Reading to Writing Stories such as “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst and poems such as “My Papa’s Waltz” by Theodore Roethke evoke strong emotional responses in many readers.

Response to Literature Reacting to a literary work . . . Readers’ own memories and experiences often affect their responses to stories and poems. Analyzing your personal response to literature can generate valuable insights about your own life and the world around you.

B a s i c s i n a B o x Response to Literature at a Glance RUBRIC Standards for Writing Introduction Introduces the literary work and includes a clear thesis statement that presents the response A successful response to literature should include an introduction that identifies the literary work and clearly states your overall response to it tell enough about the literary work so that readers can understand your response contain clearly described, specific reactions and responses to the literary work support your statements with quotations and details use language and details that are appropriate for your audience Explanation Evidence Body Supports the interp- retation with evidence from the literary work Conclusion Summarizes the response

Writing Your Response to Literature 1 Prewriting Originality does not consist in saying what no one has ever said before, but in saying exactly what you think yourself. Sir James F. Stephen, British journalist and judge

Writing Your Response to Literature 1 Prewriting In selecting a poem or story for your response, recall characters with whom you identify. Consider themes that make you think about your own life. Focus on settings that stimulated your imagination. Remember a plot that surprised or pleased you.

Planning Your Response to Literature 1. Carefully read the piece of literature. Take notes on passages that affect you. Include page numbers for your reference. 2. Freewrite about your responses. How did you respond to the characters? theme? plot? setting? style?

Planning Your Response to Literature 3. Consider how your own memories and experiences affected your responses. Have you had a similar experience? Does the story’s theme coincide or clash with your own beliefs? Do you know people like the story’s characters? 4. Identify your audience. How familiar is your audience with the work that you are discussing? What will they need to know in order to understand your response?

Writing Your Response to Literature 2 Drafting Begin writing even if you have not decided on everything you want to say. Write an introduction that includes the title and author of the work and summarizes important information such as plot. Begin the body by stating your general response to the piece of literature. Then explain why you felt as you did.

Writing Your Response to Literature 2 Drafting Elaborate on your response by quoting or summarizing specific passages. You may also mention personal experiences that affected your reading. Summarize your response in the conclusion of your essay.

Writing Your Response to Literature Revising 3 TARGET SKILL USING ACTIVE VOICE To make your responses to the literary work clear, use active voice whenever possible. Frequent use of active voice makes your writing stronger, livelier, and less wordy.

Writing Your Response to Literature Editing and Proofreading 4 TARGET SKILL MISPLACED MODIFIERS Express your ideas clearly by using modifiers correctly. Always place a modifier as close as possible to the word it modifies. A misplaced modifier may leave readers with an unclear description.