Private School Equitable Services January 15, 2019 District and Private Nonprofit School ESSA Requirements, Equitable Services, and Collaborations: What did TEA discover during program validations? ESCs 11 and 16 TETN Session January 15, 2019 LaNetra Guess, Director Private Nonprofit Ombudsman Texas Education Agency
Agenda Overview Data Complaints Defining Equitable Services TEA Establishing Partnerships & Shared Outcomes Obligation of Funds Complaints Random Validations Resources Title I Capacity Building Initiative Video Q&As Upcoming Dates
Overview of State PNP Data 2017-2018 Department of Contracts, Grants and Financial Administration, Texas Education Agency January 15, 2019 Overview of State PNP Data 2017-2018 Total LEAs with PNP schools participating in one or more Title programs 315 Total PNP schools located within Title I, Part A boundaries 1,374 Total PNP schools located outside of Title I, Part A boundaries 450
Overview of State PNP Data 2017-2018 (continued) Department of Contracts, Grants and Financial Administration, Texas Education Agency January 15, 2019 Overview of State PNP Data 2017-2018 (continued) Title I, Part A Title I, Part C Title II, Part A* Title III, Part A- EL Title III, Part A-IMM Title IV, Part A #PNP Schools Served 487 1 557 100 13 369 PNP Students Served (*Staff served) 7,868 21,625 2,798 126 73,370
Equitable Services Are Required Local educational agencies (LEAs) are required to provide services for eligible private nonprofit school students. Equitable services provided by the LEA for private nonprofit school participants are designed to meet their educational needs and supplement the educational services provided by the private school.
Equitable Services Must Be… Secular, neutral, and non-ideological for all educational services, materials, and equipment Equitable educational services compared to public school Provided in a timely manner Monitored and enforced by the Ombudsman
What constitutes private non-profit status? Under 34 CFR 77.1, the term “nonprofit” as applied to an agency, organization, or institution, means that it is owned and operated by one or more corporations or associations whose net earnings do not benefit, and cannot lawfully benefit, any private shareholder or entity.
Eligible Programs for Equitable Services Title I, Part A Equitable Services, Sec. 1117 Title VIII Equitable Services, Sec. 8501 Title I, Part C - Migrant Title II, Part A – Supporting Effective Instruction Title III, Part A - English Learners & Immigrants Title IV, Part A – Student Support & Academic Enrichment Title IV, Part B – 21st Century Community Learning Centers
How are program services provided in PNP schools? - Feedback
Consultation ‘Successful consultation begins well before the implementation of services, establishes positive and productive working relationships, makes planning effective, continues throughout implementation, and serves to ensure that the services provided meet the needs of eligible [PNP] students and teachers.’ *ED Fiscal Changes & Equitable Services Guidance [Sec. 1117(b) & 8501(c)]
TEA: Establishing Partnerships National Title I Conference 2018, Texas Private School Equitable Services Support System TEA: Establishing Partnerships
How does TEA assess needs and engage stakeholders? National Private School Leadership Conference, Washington D.C. September 21, 2018 How does TEA assess needs and engage stakeholders? Regional Ombudsman Trainings Statewide Program Meetings TEA Private Nonprofit (PNP) Workgroup Texas Private School Accreditation Commission (TEPSAC) Title I Committee of Practitioners
TEA’s PNP Integrated System of Support National Title I Conference 2018, Texas Private School Equitable Services Support System TEA’s PNP Integrated System of Support Participating Private Nonprofit Schools TEA State Ombudsman TEA State PNP Director LEAs and ESCs Capacity Building Initiative PNP Equitable Services Workgroup
How does TEA gain confidence of stakeholders? National Private School Leadership Conference, Washington D.C. September 21, 2018 How does TEA gain confidence of stakeholders? Engage and communicate with all stakeholders Utilize stakeholder recommendations (when possible) Tackle critical issues immediately Collaborate and create resources and tools with TEA’s Capacity Building Initiative
National Title I Conference 2018, Texas Private School Equitable Services Support System Shared Outcomes
National Title I Conference 2018, Texas Private School Equitable Services Support System Shared Outcomes Strengthened collaboration, coordination, and partnerships efforts Statewide integrated support system Online resources & videos
Shared Outcomes Collaborative documents National Title I Conference 2018, Texas Private School Equitable Services Support System Shared Outcomes Collaborative documents LEA – PNP equitable services best practices nomination applications Complaints process and procedures Equitable Services for Excess Carryover TEA Procedures Offering PNP Equitable Services
PNP Workgroup - Video Link:
Obligation of Funds
Obligation of Funds LEA funds for educational services and other benefits to eligible PNP children shall be obligated within the same fiscal year* in which they are received. ESSA, Sections 1117(a)(4)(B) & 8501(a)(4)(B)
Carryover of Unobligated Funds Extenuating circumstances only If TEA approves, funds may remain available for the provision of equitable services under the program (i.e., Title I, Part C; Title I, Part IV-B) during the subsequent school year LEA must consult with PNP officials to determine how funds will be spent in subsequent school year There could be LEA corrective actions from TEA if timely obligation of funds to PNP did not occur. Non-Regulatory Guidance: ESSA Fiscal Changes and Equitable Services Requirements, N-6 & N-7 (November 2017)
Carryover of Unobligated Funds for Equitable Services – In General…. Q. Do carryover funds for equitable services go to a specific PNP school the following year? A. Yes. If carryover is TEA approved for extenuating circumstances, the carryover for equitable services will follow the same PNP school the next year.
Carryover of Unobligated Funds for Equitable Services – Title I, Part A* Q. What if a PNP school declines a portion of its Title I, Part A equitable services or has closed the following year? A. The LEA is obligated to add the Title I, Part A equitable services share to a pool for other PNP schools with eligible Title I students the following year. The LEA must keep documentation on file. If there are no other PNP schools with eligible Title I, Part A students, the LEA would use the funding for Title I eligible public school students. However, there could be LEA corrective actions from TEA if timely obligation of funds to PNP did not occur. *Subject to change through new ED ESSA Nonregulatory Guidance
Carryover of Unobligated Funds for Equitable Services – Title VIII Programs* Q. What if a PNP school declines a portion of any Title VIII programs’ (i.e., Title II, Title III, Title IV, etc.,) equitable services or has closed the following year? A. The LEA is obligated to add the remaining equitable services share to other eligible PNP and LEA public schools the following year on an equitable basis. The LEA must keep documentation on file. If there are no other PNP schools, the LEA would utilize the funding for its eligible public schools. However, there could be LEA corrective actions from TEA if timely obligation of funds to PNP did not occur. *Subject to change through new ED ESSA Nonregulatory Guidance
Carryover of Unobligated Funds for Equitable Services – Texas Guidance CAN change in the future Upcoming ED ESSA Equitable Services Nonregulatory Guidance
Best Practices to Ensure Equitable Services Are Timely and Used During School Year -Feedback
Timely Responses LEA PNP Share timeline and due dates with PNP Respond in a timely manner to LEA requests and due dates
PNP Participant Support Costs (i.e., Travel Costs) Request for Approval of Participant Support Costs (form) Reimbursement allowed for only a portion of travel costs if attending a faith-based sponsored conference or professional development opportunity Reimbursement for actual cost of lodging and meals based on Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (unless local policy reimburses at a lesser amount) Guidance
How do you calculate and ensure PNP travel/professional development requests meet district and state requirements? - Feedback
PNP Complaints –Informal vs Formal LaNetra Guess, Director & PNP Ombudsman Email: Informal Complaints Investigations, verbal communications, follow-up, shared-party informal resolutions Formal Complaints Official Ombudsman written decisions within 45 days Appeals of Ombudsman decisions filed through ED by Complainant
TEA Procedure for Offering Equitable Services
TEA Procedures for Offering Equitable Services TEA will reduce the appropriate LEA’s grant award by the amount of equitable services plus an additional 10% for administration of the equitable services to be provided. The ESC will provide the equitable services directly or enter into a third-party contract with a vendor from TEA’s approved list of providers
PNP Random Validations
PNP Random Validations Results, 2017-2018 Department of Contracts, Grants and Financial Administration, Texas Education Agency January 15, 2019 PNP Random Validations Results, 2017-2018 LEA Areas of Strengths Documentation of ongoing consultation Equitable services handbook and/or descriptions provided to PNP Evaluation of program effectiveness Review of data and PNP needs Collaboration and coordination of services
PNP Random Validations Results, 2017-2018 Department of Contracts, Grants and Financial Administration, Texas Education Agency January 15, 2019 PNP Random Validations Results, 2017-2018 LEA Areas of Improvement Lack of written documentation Lack of LEA fiscal and program oversight No LEA review process for PNP requests (professional development, travel, supplies, etc.,) No description of equitable services available for PNP school officials No collaboration or coordination of services Social Security Numbers should not collected
PNP Random Validations, 2018-2019 Required Documentation Ongoing consultation (phone, email, meetings) Share proportionate share of funds District procedures and policies District timeline Obligating funds for services Travel requests and reimbursement guidelines Supplies and materials
PNP Random Validations, 2018-2019 (continued) Monitoring process for effectiveness of services Written disagreement rationale Written process to ensure student and staff services
PNP Random Validations, 2018-2019 (continued) Spring 2019 Selection of school districts serving PNP schools in one or more programs Program and fiscal findings may result in LEA reimbursement of funds to TEA
PNP Random Validation - DRAFT
Texas Title I Capacity Building Initiative Resources for Best Practice and Compliance
Title I Capacity Building Initiative Overview Funded by Texas Education Agency Implemented by Region 10 Education Service Center Resources to support ESCs and LEAs
Title I Capacity Building Initiative Supporting Equitable Services for PNPs Resources on Compliance Resources on Best Practices Videos
Trust & Collaboration - Feedback What could be potential barriers to trust and collaboration? How could you strengthen trust and collaboration between the LEA and PNP school?
Video - Trust and Collaboration Department of Contracts, Grants and Financial Administration, Texas Education Agency January 15, 2019 Video - Trust and Collaboration Nbf1-5AnU& Trust & Collaboration Video – Corsicana ISD (Region 12) and James L. Collins Catholic School Video Link:
Share Promising Collaborative Practices In Your LEA or PNP School - Feedback
PNP Schools and Pre-Kindergarten Programs
PNP Schools and Pre-Kindergarten Programs Q. May Pre-K programs located in a PNP school participate and receive equitable services? A. Equitable services may not be used in stand-alone PNP Pre-K programs for students or staff. However, if a PNP has a Pre-K program and any one or more school-age grade levels (i.e., K-12) in the same building, students and staff may receive equitable services. Non-Regulatory Guidance, Early Learning in the ESSA, Expanding Opportunities to Support our Youngest Learners (2016)
PNP Schools and Pre-Kindergarten Programs Q. May a PNP school receive Title I, Part A Pre-K equitable services if the public Title I attendance center does not have a Pre-K level? A. Yes. The LEA may provide Title I services to PNP children. Pre-K children must reside in a Title I attendance area and meet selection criteria that has been established once the LEA consults with PNP school officials.
PNP Schools and Pre-Kindergarten Programs Q. Does a PNP school receive additional equitable services if Pre-K students are being served? A. No, there is a limited amount of Title I, Part A funding generated for equitable services. Consequently, the LEA should discuss with PNP school officials in which grade(s) services should be provided, particularly since there may not be sufficient funding to serve all eligible children. Student eligibility for service is based on residency in a Title I, Part A attendance area and academic need.
Department of Contracts, Grants and Financial Administration, Texas Education Agency – ESC 20 Training January 15, 2019 May Title I, Part A equitable services be used solely for PNP supplies and materials? No. A Title I, Part A program must provide direct instructional services for eligible private nonprofit students to comply with requirements in ESSA Section 1117(a)(1).
May the provision of Title I, Part A (Title I) equitable services consist of only professional development? No. Consistent with ESSA, Section 1117(a)(1)(A), an LEA generally must provide direct instruction to eligible students.
May an LEA use federal funds (Title I, Part A; Title II, Part A; Title IV, Part A; etc.,) to purchase electronic devices (i.e., iPads, laptops, Chromebooks) for the provision of equitable services in eligible PNP schools? ED does not recommend that federal funds are used to purchase electronic devices since the LEA does not have 100% control over what is accessed. The 34 CFR 299.9(c)(1) states – a public agency must ensure that equipment and supplies placed in a private school are used only for proper purposes of the program.
Transferability & REAP
Transferability – New ED Guidance May LEAs leave only the PNP equitable share in its original program while transferring out all other LEA funds? No. LEAs must calculate equitable service shares based on the total amount of funds available under a program after a transfer. An LEA may not transfer funds to a specific program solely to provide equitable services, it may not retain funds solely for this purpose. Funds transferred under this section are subject to each of the rules and requirements applicable to the funds under the provision to which the funds are transferred. TEA ESSA PNP Equitable School Services and the Transferability Authority, Q8. (April 2018)
Small Rural Schools Authority (SRSA) PNP and Title V, Part B - Rural Education Initiative (REAP) – New ED Guidance Small Rural Schools Authority (SRSA) Required by statute to engage in timely and meaningful consultation with PNP officials Applies only to Title II, Part A and Title IV, Part A program funds If using Alternative Fund Use Authority (AFUA), LEA must reserve total equitable services amount generated by PNP school.
PNP and Title V, Part B - Rural Education Initiative (REAP) – New ED Guidance (cont.) Rural Low Income Schools (RLIS) LEA must be SRSA eligible Required by statute to engage in timely and meaningful consultation with PNP officials Equitable services reservation is based on funds remaining after transfer.
Important LEA Submission Dates NEW - November 15, 2018 - PNP 2017-2018 Excessive Carryover Waiver Request due November 26, 2018 - ESSA 2018-2019 Final Amounts Released NEW Requirement - December 15, 2018 - LEAs with participating PNP schools must resubmit PS3099 Private School Schedule (2018-2019) with final amounts LEAs must consult with PNPs on any revised equitable services due to a change in final program amounts June 3, 2019 – Last date to submit final revisions for ESSA Consolidated Application
Private School Equitable Services January 15, 2019 Resource Documents* ESSA Private Nonprofit School Equitable Services: Frequently Asked Questions Preliminary Guidance from the Texas Education Agency (Aug 2017) ESSA Non-Regulatory Guidance Fiscal Changes and Equitable Services Requirements (Nov 2016) NCLB Title I Services to Eligible Private School Children (Oct 2003) NCLB Title IX, Part E Uniform Provisions Subpart 1 – Private Schools (Mar 2009) *All statute references are from the ESSA law version dated 2.5.2016
Webpages U.S. Department of Education: tml TEA PNP Webpage: Private_School_Equitable_Services Capacity Building: building-initiative/compliance/program- compliance/equitable-services-for-private-nonprofit- schools
Department of Contracts, Grants and Financial Administration, Texas Education Agency January 15, 2019 Contact Information LaNetra Guess Director & PNP Ombudsman Federal Program Compliance Texas Education Agency (512) 463-8992 TEA Office for Grants and Federal Fiscal Compliance
Department of Contracts, Grants and Financial Administration, Texas Education Agency January 15, 2019 Copyright © Notice. The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and may not be reproduced without the express written permission of TEA, except under the following conditions: Texas public school districts, charter schools, and Education Service Centers may reproduce and use copies of the Materials and Related Materials for the districts’ and schools’ educational use without obtaining permission from TEA. Residents of the state of Texas may reproduce and use copies of the Materials and Related Materials for individual personal use only without obtaining written permission of TEA. Any portion reproduced must be reproduced in its entirety and remain unedited, unaltered and unchanged in any way. No monetary charge can be made for the reproduced materials or any document containing them; however, a reasonable charge to cover only the cost of reproduction and distribution may be charged. Private entities or persons located in Texas that are not Texas public school districts, Texas Education Service Centers, or Texas charter schools or any entity, whether public or private, educational or non-educational, located outside the state of Texas MUST obtain written approval from TEA and will be required to enter into a license agreement that may involve the payment of a licensing fee or a royalty. For information contact: Texas Education Agency, 1701 N. Congress Ave., Austin, TX 78701-1494; email: 66