Suicides and Hospitalized Suicide Attempts Among 10-24 Year Olds Oklahoma 2002
Suicide/Attempt Surveillance Collect data on completed suicides and hospitalized attempts Began July 1, 2001 Medical Examiner reports Hospital medical records Suicides are the 10th leading cause of death overall in Oklahoma and the 2nd leading cause of injury death (year 2000) We had always been interested in conducting surveillance on suicides and suicide attempts So when the Phase III money became available, we took advantage of the opportunity to set up surveillance on these conditions Our Commissioner of Health declared these conditions reportable for a special study And we began collecting data on completed suicides and hospitalized attempts on July 1, 2001. Information is collected by our staff by reviewing Medical Examiner reports and hospital medical records.
Data Elements Demographic data Medical information Circumstantial data Risk factors Illness, abuse, loss, history of attempts Collect usual demographic data including age, race, sex, marital status, etc. Document ICD-9-CM codes, length of stay, outcome Collect information on how and where the suicide/attempt occurred Try to collect information on risk factors Have questions on our abstraction form about Illness—terminal condition, severely debilitating or painful condition, mental illness Abuse of alcohol or drugs; also history of family violence or abuse Also ask about a recent “fight” with a significant other person Loss/separation—generally a death or divorce Loss of job or financial problems (bankruptcy or other mention) History of suicide attempts—try to quantify the number of attempts
Suicide/Attempt Cases 10-24 Year Olds, Oklahoma, 2002 86 (12%) completed suicides 627 (88%) attempts 7.6 hospitalized attempts for each completed suicide Preliminary analysis of the first 6 months of data—July-Dec 2001 There were about 250 completed suicides and almost 900 hospitalized attempts So there were 3.5 hospitalized attempts for each completed suicide
Methods of Attempted and Completed Suicides 10-24 Year Olds, Oklahoma, 2002 It was interesting to look at some of the differences between attempts and completed suicides. These pies show the method of suicide attempts. The pie on the left shows persons who survived and the pie on the right has persons who died. Almost 90% of persons who survived attempted suicide by poisoning; stabbing or cutting was the 2nd most common method for survivors (8%) Among persons who died, 59% used a firearm and 20% were by poisoning. 14% of suicide deaths resulted from hanging or strangulation. I also looked at differences by gender and found that males accounted for 80% of the deaths but only 37% of attempts Other notes to self: For deaths, the most common method for both males and females was firearms (63% for males; 46% for females) For attempts, the most common method for both males and females was poisoning (81% for males; 91% for females) Survived Died
Preliminary Data 10-24 Year Olds, Oklahoma, 2002 Occurred at home (81%) History of mental illness (64%) History of alcohol/drug abuse (36%) Recent fight (33%) Loss/separation (22%) Previous attempt (35%) 86% of events occurred in a home/yard/garage Nearly all were in their own home (96-97%) Average age was 37 years Among survivors, the average age was younger—34 years Among those who died, the average age was 45 years We looked at several risk factors 67% had a history of mental illness (depression, , bipolar disorder, hallucinations, anxiety disorder, etc.) 38% had a history of alcohol or drug abuse 24% reported a recent fight 18% had a family loss or separation within the past year 15% were living with severe pain or a debilitating condition We plan to continue collecting information on hospitalized and fatal cases and we also plan to expand the system a bit to collect minimal data on suicide attempts that are treated in an ED and released so we can determine the impact of these cases For my info: Average stay 3-median; 4-average Terminal illness—3% overall; 2% survivors; 6% died Severe pain—15% overall; 15% survivors; 15% died History of drugs or alcohol—38% overall Mental illness—67% overall; 73% survivors; 45% died Loss/separation—18% overall; 20% survivors; 14% died Fight—24% overall; 28% survivors; 11% died Job loss—4% overall; 5% survivors; 3% died Financial problems—4% overall; 4% survivors; 6% died Family violence—10% overall; 12% survivors; 4% died High unknowns (not mentioned one way or the other), especially on ME reports
Completed Suicides By Gender and Age Group Among 10-24 Year Olds in Oklahoma, 2002 Rates calculated using 2001-2002 bridged-race intercensal population estimates.
Attempted Suicides By Gender and Age Group Among 10-24 Year Olds in Oklahoma, 2002 Rates calculated using 2001-2002 bridged-race intercensal population estimates.
Completed Suicides By Gender and Race Among 10-24 Year Olds in Oklahoma, 2002 Rates calculated using 2001-2002 bridged-race intercensal population estimates. Excludes 3 cases of other/unknown race
Attempted Suicides By Gender and Race Among 10-24 Year Olds in Oklahoma, 2002 Rates calculated using 2001-2002 bridged-race intercensal population estimates. Excludes 36 cases of other/unknown race
Suicides and Attempted Suicides By Gender and Outcome Among 10-24 Year Olds in Oklahoma, 2002 Rates calculated using 2001-2002 bridged-race intercensal population estimates.
Methods of Completed and Attempted Suicides By Gender Among 10-24 Year Olds in Oklahoma, 2002
Suicides and Attempted Suicides By Discharge Status Among 10-24 Year Olds in Oklahoma, 2002