It’s free. It’s easy. The time to prepare is now.
Agenda Why Prepare? What is Ready Rating? Highlights Since Launch Members 123 Assessment Next Steps Show You Care Program Sponsors
Insurance coverage may not save the day! Why Prepare? Up to 40% of businesses fail following a natural or human-caused disaster 94% of small business owners believe a disaster could seriously disrupt their business within the next two years Disasters come in many forms: hurricanes, tornados, snow storms, power outages, floods, medical emergency, death of a key employee… Insurance coverage may not save the day!
Why Prepare? 4 out of 5 businesses fail after the loss of a key executive One-third of businesses surveyed have no business continuity plan Here’s the good news: 82% of businesses agree - “If someone could make it easy for me to be prepared, I’d do it.”
What is Ready Rating? The Ready Rating Program: The first emergency readiness program of its kind
Program Overview Designed to allow businesses, schools and organizations to dramatically improve their level of preparedness Quantifies an organization’s preparedness with a proprietary assessment tool Generates customized reports with confidential feedback to help members Enables creation of a customized Emergency Response Plan through an easy, on-line, self-paced tool Free, thanks to our generous sponsors
Highlights Membership has tripled and is growing Members love Ready Rating! 93% of Ready Rating members rate the service as good to excellent Members are taking action! 75% of members have updated their plans due to Ready Rating 70% of Ready Rating members have educated their employees about preparedness at work Members have increased their scores – some by as much as 42% 1794 total members 1357 Businesses/ Organizations 437 Schools
Who Are the Members? Businesses – small to large Schools – public and private Non-profits Healthcare organizations Financial institutions Insurance agencies Retailers Manufacturers Real estate agencies
Keeping Good Company Members include:
123 Assessment Key steps: 1. Commit to preparing Join the Red Cross Ready Rating program Complete an online assessment to determine readiness level 2. Assess emergencies and their impact Understand possible threats to your facility / business and assess possible impact
123 Assessment 3. Develop or enhance your Emergency response plan Create an action plan for before, during and after emergencies 4. Practice your plan Integrate preparedness in your organizational culture 5. Show your community you care Commit to support overall community preparedness
Ready Rating Score Card A score card is generated each time the 123 Assessment is completed. The score card provides: A unique quantification of your organization’s preparedness level Enables tracking of your progress
What Do I Do Next? Improve your Ready Rating score with the following free tools: Next Steps Report Emergency Response Planner Tool Peer Comparison Report Resource Center
Member Next Steps Report Recommendations customized to your self-assessment Detailed feedback Ranks the needed implementation actions by the resources required Customized for schools and businesses/organizations
Emergency Response Planning Tool Makes it simple for you to create a customized Emergency Response Plan for your organization Uses easy-to-understand language Provides easy access to additional guidance Presents best practice guidance to choose from Allows addition of your own topics and guidance Easy to update
Peer Comparison Report Helps members compare their score to other members: Company Name Here Nationwide In Their State By Employee Size By Industry/Sector
Resource Center The Resource Center provides information, sample forms and tools to help you get better prepared for emergencies of all kinds!
Show Your Commitment to Preparedness Show your customers and community that you care about being prepared: Download the Member Seal and post it on your website or in areas visited by customers or students Choose to be listed in the Current Member Listing on
National Founding Sponsor Program Sponsors We would like to thank our: National Founding Sponsor National Sponsor
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