Creating a character type presentation
Your task: You are to work as a pair to create a power point presentation teaching your peers about the character type. You should research your character type and include accurate and helpful information in your presentation.
Types That Will Be Included: Protagonist Antagonist Round Flat Dynamic static
The process: Each pair of students will choose one character type from the list provided and will have 2 days to prepare a presentation that will teach your peers everything they need to know about it.
What you must include: A title slide A creative title entices and engages your audience The first and last name of each person in your pair A slide introducing and defining the type An example of a published piece of literature demonstrating a GREAT example of this character type There are many, many wonderful stories out there! Select a story from the textbook, the internet, my website, or (even better) a story you know and love. Images Images on your slides maintain engagement and support the text Spelling, Grammar, and Conventions Check, double check, triple check. Citation Include a slide that shows information for all the sources you used for your presentation. If you aren’t sure what to include, ASK ? What you must include: This list includes the minimum requirements for the project. Of course you may ALWAYS go above and beyond!
Turn-in procedure Your projects are due at the conclusion of class on day 3 of the project. You will submit them on Google classroom to receive credit. Please do NOT email them to me, as I will not grade them.
Any questions?