Let’s Prepare! Conversation stems
Hope, Despair, and Memory Lesson 10
Let’s Review!
Let’s Prepare!
Let’s Prepare! Conversation stems
Today’s Outcomes TSWBAT compare and contrast the representation of a story in two different mediums: text and film. TSWBAT form and defend an opinion on the proper representation of a story: text or film.
Let’s Read! First “Read” 12 minutes https://www.youtube.com/embed/RV03h3XWTDU?ecver=1?iv_load_policy=3&rel=0
Let’s Read! First “Read” 12 minutes First “Read” Focus: What is unique about the plot of the film version of “The Lottery”? What is added to the story when put into a film (sound, lighting, costuming, etc.)
Second “Read” 12 minutes Let’s Read!
Let’s Read! Second “Read” 12 minutes Second “Read” Focus: What is similar in both versions’ characters, setting, etc.? What plot points do both versions of the story share?
Open Discussion Norms: 8 minutes Let’s Discuss! Open Discussion Norms: Raise hand in order to share your thoughts. Call on peers who want to add to your thoughts. Use conversation stems each time you speak. All voices in the class must be heard—be prepared at any moment!
Open Discussion Norms: 10 minutes Let’s Discuss! Open Discussion Norms: Raise hand in order to share your thoughts. Call on peers who want to add to your thoughts. Use conversation stems each time you speak. All voices in the class must be heard—be prepared at any moment!
Let’s Express Our Understanding! Exit Ticket 8 minutes Let’s Express Our Understanding!
Let’s Close! I got this! Help!
Let’s Prepare! Conversation stems
Hope, Despair, and Memory Lesson 11
Let’s Review!
Let’s Prepare!
Let’s Prepare! Conversation stems BYOT/dictionary/Chromebook Loose-leaf Conversation stems BYOT/dictionary/Chromebook
Today’s Outcomes TSWBAT further their understanding of terminology concerning memory and Wiesel’s experiences. TSWBAT annotate for specific wording and examine how to make connections to other words.
15 minutes Pairs Read Let’s Read!
Let’s Work with Words! Model 7 minutes Step 1: Where do we find the word in the text? Step 2: What is a concise definition of the word Step 3: What clues are in the text to help us understand what the word means? Step 4: What does this tell us about the text? Step 5: Locate a synonym, antonym, and create an illusion for the word.
Let’s Work with Words! Practice 8 minutes Step 1: Where do we find the word in the text? Step 2: What is a concise definition of the word Step 3: What clues are in the text to help us understand what the word means? Step 4: What does this tell us about the text? Step 5: Locate a synonym, antonym, and create an illusion for the word.
Let’s Express Our Understanding! Exit Ticket 12 minutes Let’s Express Our Understanding! Guiding Questions: What is Wiesel saying here that is contrary to his original argument? How is this a paradox?
Let’s Close! I got this! Help!