Strong Paragraphs: Using Textual Evidence and Blending Quotes
Strong Paragraphs Strong writing will have clear, distinct paragraphs Follow the M.E.A.T structure M=Main Idea. A topic sentence E=Evidence. Use information from your sources to support your main idea A=Analysis. Explain why the evidence you included is important. T=Tie-it-up or Transition. Summarize your point or transition to your next idea
EVIDENCE Provide quotes or paraphrases of an author’s idea Acknowledge your source with proper documentation Quotes must be blended into your writing An article in Parent found that cell phone use by elementary aged children rose fifty-four percent in the last decade (Doe, 2018, p. 3). John Doe (2018) noted in his research that “the last ten years has seen an alarming 54% increase of cell phone use for kids in grade school” (p. 3).
DIRECT QUOTES What is a Signal Phrase? A few words that lets the reader know you are about to insert, or BLEND, a quote into your own writing Some Examples: According to Author (year), “direct quote” (para. #). In the text, author (year) states, “direct quote.” As one source says, “direct quote” (Author, year, p. # or para. #). There are multiple ways to BLEND a direct quote into your paper, but you must NEVER have a DROPPED QUOTE (SEE HANDOUT)
Correctly Blended Quotes? or Not? According to one researcher, “cell phones are a distraction in the classroom (Smith, 2001, p. 4). In Time, Lisa Abend (2018) explains, “More than 15.7 million U.S. tourists crossed the Atlantic in 2017, a 16% jump in the space of a year” (para. 6). The growing number of tourists in Europe disrupts life, causing push-back from governments: “In Iceland, which receives nearly seven times as many visitors as it has residents, lawmakers will consider a tax this fall on tourists coming from outside of Europe” (Abend, 2018, para. 14). “The strong dollar is one reason for the tourism boom in Europe” (Abend, 2018).
EXPLAIN THE evidence -Analysis Explain what your quote or paraphrase means or explain why the quote is important IN YOUR OWN WORDS after the quote. Lisa Abend (2018) notes the impact tourism has on certain cities: “Venice has been losing residents for decades, dropping from nearly 175,000 in 1951 to around 55,000 now” (para. 25). The influx of tourism is driving traditional businesses, such as doctors, hardware stores, and grocers out of the city, making it difficult for citizens to live there. Once a traditional business closes, it opens up another space for a restaurant or tourist- centered venue to sweep in, making the problem worse.
Correct Citations If you do NOT use the author’s name in your signal phrase, you still need to identify your source. Add the author’s name, the year, and the page # or para # in parentheses after your quote. Example: One research article suggests, “people who drink more than two cups of coffee per day are 12 times more likely to have stomach ulcers than those that do not” (Smith, 2017, p. 37).