Online HCA Overview
Online Basics: Orientation Overview of Blackboard classroom Orientation of classroom environment What to expect, alleviating the fear of the unknown Introduction of Resources All systems go! Systems Check
Online Basics: Resources Online Help Desk Fast Form Assistance with Blackboard issues (staff and students), Portal, MyPMI email, and general technical troubleshooting (students) O
Online Basics: HCA Outline
In the Beginning… Meet and Greet with Jeff Jin Orientation Social Media
Ground to Online Transition The First 2 weeks How Online Student Services Supports Campus HCA Students Monitors student progress and communicates with campuses through updates Touches base with students who have not logged in or are missing assignments How Ground Student Services Can Support Their Campus HCA Students Communicating possible concerns to Online (example) Reaching out to students with inactivity
Ground to Online Transition Week 3 to Graduation – Online SSC How Online Student Services Supports Campus HCA Students Daily LDA monitoring Contact made to students who have not posted in a week or more Math Course grades (2 weeks and midterm) Midterm grades COS Completion End of term/semester SAP, FAW and FAP communication
Ground to Online Transition Week 3 to Graduation – Ground SSC How Ground Student Services Can Support Their Campus HCA Students Contact students with LDA concerns Offer tutoring for math and touch point if failing Mesa Campus example Keep HCA students as a part of your community Event invites, emails, encouraging calls, graduation coming soon email Contact students failing at midterm End of term communication It truly takes a village!
HCA and Revenue Example Campus HCA Revenue 81 enrollments in 2014 $899,100 in potential revenue for the campus! Actual starts in 2014: 24 = $266,400 $632,700 potential revenue not earned This example campus had 6 drops in 2014 $66,600 potential loss of revenue / bad debt
Critical Numbers
It takes a village!