The ‘second half’ of our Electricity unit Current Electricity The ‘second half’ of our Electricity unit
Remember static electricity? Electrons that WEREN’T MOVING- they created a charge on an object
Current Electricity Current Electricity comes from electrons that MOVE through an electrical circuit When the electrons move, they carry energy from one place to another Electrical currents power appliances, your computer, cell phones etc.
Electrical Circuits The path that the electrons follow is called a circuit The flow of electrons is called the current
What do you need for an Electrical Circuit? Power Source - examples: dry cells (battery), wet cell or a solar pack
What do you need for an Electrical Circuit? 2. Wires - conduct the current (electron flow)
What do you need for an Electrical Circuit? 3. Energy Transformer - uses the energy to do ‘something’ - called the ‘LOAD’ - ex. lightbulb, toaster, hair dryer
What do you need for an Electrical Circuit? 4. Switch - controls the current (ON or OFF) - ON = “CLOSED circuit” - OFF = “OPEN circuit”
A Simple Circuit Please Rd Pgs 551 & 552