TGn Gen Ad Hoc September Motions March 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/01027r0 September 2008 TGn Gen Ad Hoc September Motions Date: 2008-September-8 Authors: Joseph Levy, InterDigital Joseph Levy, InterDigital
September 2008 Abstract: This document provides resolution motions for the TGn September 2008 meeting addressing the Gen Ad Hoc CIDs for LB-134. Joseph Levy, InterDigital
March 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/01027r0 September 2008 Motion Move to accept the comment resolutions in document 11-08-0978r3 TGn-lb134-Gen-Comments.xls on motion tab #1 Second: Jon Rosdahl Agreed without objection Motion # 368 Note all of these comment resolutions were agreed without objection at the 3/4/5 September 2008, TGn Gen Ad Hoc meeting. Resolution for CIDs: 9303, 9302, 9300 Note also that the comment resolution for CID 6068 of LB 124 was not changed, but additional information was added in the Ad Hoc notes, which provides and update to the status of the PatCom response. Joseph Levy, InterDigital Joseph Levy, InterDigital
March 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/01027r0 September 2008 Motion Move to accept the comment resolutions in document 11-08-0978r3 TGn-lb134-Gen-Comments.xls on motion tab #2 Second: Adrian Stephens Agreed without objection Motion # 369 Note all of these comment resolutions were agreed without objection at the 3/4/5 September 2008, TGn Gen Ad Hoc meeting. Resolution for CIDs: 9117, 9118, 9119, 9120, 9121, 9122, 9123, 9124 Joseph Levy, InterDigital Joseph Levy, InterDigital
CID 9182 Please note that CID 9182 was withdrawn by the commenter March 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/01027r0 September 2008 CID 9182 Please note that CID 9182 was withdrawn by the commenter Joseph Levy, InterDigital Joseph Levy, InterDigital