Biblical Manliness 1 Kings 2:1-4
Today’s Assault on Masculinity
Masculinity is viewed as dangerous. 1. Many in the media and even some companies are now portraying all men as bullies and sexual predators. 2. Men are portrayed as condoning such actions in young boys.
All men are not perfect… 1. Unfairly accusing all being evil because of the actions of a few is unfair and unbiblical. 2. Man will always have to deal with the consequences of the actions of others however that doesn’t make them guilty of the same actions.
Manliness according to the Bible
Manliness according to the Bible “I go the way of all the earth; be strong, therefore, and prove yourself a man. 1 Kings 2:2
Men and the Family 1. Men are to be providers Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. Genesis 2:15 Then she bore again, this time his brother Abel. Now Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. Genesis 4:2
Men and the Family 2. Men are to be committed to their marriage Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Ephesians 5:24
The Man’s Biblical Role & Responsibilities 1. Men are to examples to other men – young and old. 2. Men are to hold boys to a higher moral and ethical standard 3. This is done by setting the right kind of example. a. The right kind of speech sound speech that cannot be condemned, that one who is an opponent may be ashamed, having nothing evil to say of you. Titus 2:8
The Man’s Biblical Role & Responsibilities 3. This is done by setting the right kind of example. b. In manner of Life knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, 1 Peter 1:18
The Man’s Biblical Role & Responsibilities 3. This is done by setting the right kind of example. c. In Love 23 For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. 24 Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, Ephesians 5:23-25
The Man’s Biblical Role & Responsibilities 3. This is done by setting the right kind of example. c. In Spirit Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, 1 Peter 4:1
The Man’s Biblical Role & Responsibilities 3. This is done by setting the right kind of example. c. In Faith Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. Jude 3
The Man’s Biblical Role & Responsibilities 3. This is done by setting the right kind of example. c. In Purity Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy— meditate on these things. Philippians 4:8
Lessons for Us Today
Masculinity should be reclaimed not redefined or removed. 1. Some today try to redefine masculinity to be something that it was never meant to be. 2. Masculinity is not a negative term or concept. 3. Men, by nature and design can be aggressive when needed.
True Masculinity is outlined in Biblical principles. And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise. Luke 6:31
True Masculinity is outlined in Biblical principles. Men are to be those who teach masculine attributes that include protection of loved ones, being providers and workers.
Conclusion 1. Manliness is not what it seems when we look at what the media and others say. 2. Biblical manliness is an asset to friends, family and the church. 3. Next week we will examine the negative aspects unfairly placed upon women today.