URBANISATION IN INDIA – AT A GLANCE In India, urbanisation was caused after independence, due to adoption of mixed system of economy. In recent century, urbanisation is taking place at a faster rate. Source :
URBANISATION IN INDIA – AT A GLANCE As reported in 2011 Census - MUMBAI (12.5 million) 3.1% DELHI (11.1 million) 4.1% KOLKATA (8.9 million) 1.9% Population in all these cities are expected to cross 16 million by the end of 2018 Source :
ELECTRIFICATION TO URBAN INDIA In urban areas, the access to electricity is 93.1% In rural areas, the access to electricity is 52.5%
ELECTRIFICATION TO URBAN INDIA In the peak power requirement, there is a huge gap between electrical energy requirement & supply, over national grid. As a consensus decision, demand of urban India is catered on priority. -1.4% 14.5% -22.2% -1.0% -12.9% -2.2%
TYPICAL POWER SITUATION IN URBAN INDIA A study report published by World Economic Forum, in January 2013 reveals, Less than 15 minutes power cut at a stretch (89%) 15 to 30 minutes power cut at a stretch (7%) More than 30 minutes power cut at a stretch (4%) Source : Energy Vision 2013 , January 2013 : World Economic Forum
TYPICAL POWER SITUATION IN URBAN INDIA Study report of World Economic Forum, Jan. 2013 - Sample size : 9963 Data collection period : June – July 2012 Source : Energy Vision 2013 , January 2013 : World Economic Forum
Urban India experiences repeated short power cuts TYPICAL POWER SITUATION IN URBAN INDIA Urban India experiences repeated short power cuts
Repeated short power-cut TYPICAL APPLICATION SCENARIOS Repeated short power-cut High power electrical gadgets for urban application Intelligent power solution, which is capable – To deliver instantaneous high power Minimize energy consumption in float Float application
TYPICAL FAILURE MODES Typical failure of back-up power batteries on float is related to - Corrosion of plates Exposure of plate due to lack of timely topping up
IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES - BATTERY SMART BATTERY DESIGN Reduction of corrosion rate through plate optimization : Selection of grid alloy Optimum paste density Control of paste morphology.
IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES - BATTERY Selection of grid alloy Optimum alloy selection significantly increases battery life Battery Type : LUMINOUS 12V150Ah Test Schedule : 100% DOD at 3 hour rate, Discharge load 400 Watt, 3D + 12C
IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES - BATTERY Selection of optimum paste density Higher paste density ensures higher battery cycle life Battery Type : LUMINOUS 12V150Ah Test Schedule : 100% DOD at 3 hour rate, Discharge load 400 Watt, FD + 8C Density A > Density B End of life
IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES - BATTERY Control of paste morphology Plate production processes tailored to generate a high level of tetra-basic lead sulphate 4BS improves battery cycle life Battery Type : LUMINOUS 12V150Ah Test Schedule : 100% DOD at 3 hour rate, Discharge load 400 Watt, FD + 8C
IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES - INVERTER SMART INVERTER DESIGN Increment of discharge load capacity, by optimum design of overload tripping switch Reduction of depth of discharge Optimum selection of high initial current in-rush
IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES - INVERTER Selection of higher discharge load Selection of a higher discharge load is better for batteries in float/cyclic application Battery Type : LUMINOUS 12V150Ah Test Schedule : 100% DOD at full load + Charge with RAPIDCHARGE 1500VA Inverter
IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES - INVERTER Controlled depth of discharge Controlled depth of discharge using higher discharge voltage cut-off Battery Type : LUMINOUS 12V150Ah Test Schedule : Discharge @C10 rate with variable DOD + Charge in LCT @15Amp CC with 120% charge return
IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES - INVERTER Selection of high in-rush current High initial current helps the battery to regain power, fast. Battery Type : LUMINOUS 12V150Ah Test Schedule : Discharge 100% DOD at C3 rate + Charge in LCT with variable current till 14.4V, Hold for 3 hours, Float at 13.8V with charge return 104%
LUMINOUS has launched IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES SMART JODI for optimum performance RAPIDCHARGE Inverter METRO Range Battery
IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES Performance of SMART JODI LUMINOUS RAPIDCHARGE 1500VA + LUMINOUS 12V150Ah Test Schedule : Discharge @720W + Charge with Inverter 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75
LUMINOUS has already achieved significant battery performance improvement in extremely challenging operating environments
We are actively investigating further improvement opportunities to better define optimum power solutions for the developing world
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