Harding and Coolidge with a little Hoover at the end 1920s Politics Harding and Coolidge with a little Hoover at the end
Political Climate During War Wilson was a Democrat (political pause between Republicans) Anti-leftist sentiments following war Size and role of government Which party do you think is going to win the election of 1920?
Democrats Republicans White Southerners Immigrants in cities Where are the socialists? Northern farmers Businessmen/women Professionals Skilled workers
Warren G. Harding Republican who wins Election of 1920 Blah, blah, blah, blah (generic) Appointments full of corruption Dies of heart attack in 1923 VP Calvin Coolidge becomes President
Teapot Dome Scandal Uncovered by a 1924 Senate Investigation Secretary of Interior Albert Fall is jailed for leasing government oil reserves to 2 oilmen for big bribe. This is part of a culture of corruption that was widespread during Harding's administration.
Calvin Coolidge A manufactured politician Packaged by Bruce Barton (advertising exec) Very Pro-business Limited government involvement Flood of 1927 Veto of McNary-Haugen Bill (purchase and overseas sales of surpluss crops)
Independent Internationalism Isolationism tendencies except when it best serves America's interests Promoted American Business Interests Abroad Attempts at peace 1921 Washington Naval Arms Conference (limits on warships between GB, J, US, I, F) 1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact (outlaws war)
Women in Politics Women's movement loses focus- divergence in issues (child labor and prenatal care to feminist activism to labor unions to racism) Does equality help women or take away their protection? Feminism is seen as negative (communist) promote women as docile consumers
Probusiness Administration Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon Trickle-down economics Lower income taxes for wealthy Child labor laws overturned by supreme court