COSATU’s Submission on the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement, 2014
Introductory Remarks Opening comments; and Delegation.
Critical Objectives for COSATU 35% unemployment; Stagnant economic growth rates; Triple challenges; Corruption; Under-expenditure; and Wage bill.
Broad Macro-Economic Concerns Counter-cyclical policies; Radical economic transformation; and Triple challenges crisis.
Economic Growth Forecasts Economic growth and government expenditure reduction; Costs of spending cuts; Decline in real growth; and International comparisons.
Government Expenditure Savings vs. Austerity Cut Backs Legitimate savings vs. actual cuts; Provincial and Municipal savings; and Wasteful expenditure and corruption.
Cut Backs and Austerity Wasteful expenditure; Balancing the budget on the backs of the poor; Previous state retrenchments and downscaling; and Unfunded and unfilled vacancies and capacitated developmental state.
Wage Bill Low wages; Wage gaps; Motivated and capacitated public service; Skills retention; Local economic boost; Family dependents; and Bargaining councils.
State Owned Enterprises and Assets Privatisation, out sourcing, agencification, labour broking; Disposal of non-strategic state assets; Wasteful expenditure and SOE crises; and International models.
Fiscal Framework Future unallocated reserves.
Expenditure Priorities & Division of Revenue Social services expenditure; NHI funding models; and 11 million jobs target by 2030.
Increases in Revenue Disposal of state assets; VAT; Income taxes; Company taxes; and Land taxes.
Corruption Successful prosecutions; and Political will.
Medium Term Strategic Framework Interventions Government commitments to boost energy, rail, port, oil and gas infrastructure; and Improving labour dispute mechanisms.
Expanded Public & Community Works Programmes Temporary relief; Minimum wages; Skills development; and Cheap labour vs. decent work.
Employment Tax Incentives Subsidy for labour brokers; New vs. existing jobs; Displacements; and Geographic and sectoral determinations.
Manufacturing, Agriculture, Beneficiation & Industrialisation Further manufacturing support (motor and renewables); Support for agricultural sector; Mining beneficiation; and Nuclear energy.
Transport Rail upgrading and procurement; Public transport; and E Tolls and user pay.
Basic Education School infrastructure; Mud schools; Text books; and Teacher vacancies and salaries.
Post-School Education & Training NSFAS funding expansion.
Health ARVs; and NHI.
Social Protection Expansion; and Comprehensive Social Security.
Defence, Public Order & Safety Judiciary backlogs; Correctional Services corruption; and SSA R3 billion corruption allegation.
Economic Infrastructure Moloto Road; Water; Solar and renewable energy; and Economic stimulus.
Housing & Social Infrastructure Housing review
Workplace Inspections 30% increase in workplace inspections.
Rural Development & Land Reform Sufficient funding to address backlog in restitution claims and to provide new farmers with sufficient support.
Public Procurement Tender transparency; and Local content in state procurement.
Funding Local Government Long term solutions; and Infrastructure funding.
Conclusion & Thank you.