International LawDomestic Law No formal justice systemJudicial system, Rules, Enforcement system No international legislature passing lawsParliament passes laws Limited judicial bodies (International Court of Justice, International Criminal Court) Comprehensive judicial system No legal sanctions for countries that oppose laws. Encouraged to abide by law for acceptance by intl community. Ex: Countries against child labour may refuse to buy products from a country that enforces the practice Legal punishments for opposing the law State voluntarily agreeing to be subject to particular rules Treaty based State must choose to become members of alliances or allow international institutions to exercise jurisdiction before their rules will apply.
Antarctic Treaty gives 11 countries use of the land for peaceful purposes, bans nuclear waste and the disposal of radioactive waste The high seas or the open seas are free of sovereignty beyond 5.6 km from land Space is used for peaceful purposes. No nation can claim sovereignty over outer space, the moon, or other celestial bodies