Minds-On Your paragraphs are due Wednesday, December 10th 2014! You cannot be late with your paragraphs! I’ve marked your tests! Any questions regarding your paragraphs? What tense should you write your paragraphs in? Theme; Conflict; Protagonist; Antagonist Tense; Infinitive; Conjugation
How much have you progressed based on the rubric? To know how to write about literature in a paragraph. To understand the rubric for your two literary paragraphs. To be able to write about your literary paragraphs in a sophisticated and professional way by following the rubric. Theme; Conflict; Protagonist; Antagonist Tense; Infinitive; Conjugation
To know how to write about literature in a paragraph. Past and Present Tense work book You should write your sentences in the present tense. Whenever you write about literature, you should use the present tense (e.g., The protagonist was fighting against the antagonist in the story [WRONG]. The protagonist fights against the antagonist in the story [CORRECT].) Theme; Conflict; Protagonist; Antagonist Tense; Infinitive; Conjugation
Theme; Conflict; Protagonist; Antagonist To understand the rubric for your two literary paragraphs. To be able to write about your literary paragraphs in a sophisticated and professional way by following the rubric. Let’s work on the present and past tenses some more. Then, you will work on your paragraphs that are due on Wednesday. Tomorrow, we will start learning about essay writing; therefore, you need to be focused and get those paragraphs completed. Theme; Conflict; Protagonist; Antagonist Tense; Infinitive; Conjugation