Instruments used HORIBA AIA721 NDIR online analyzer integrated in emission bench Varian GC 450 with ECD offline analysis total run time 7 min WLTP-DTP-AP
Background measurement from air bag GC shows good repeatabiliy with low scatter (Std = 1,6 ppb) NDIR shows offset of -35 ppb and significantly higher scatter (Std = 29 ppb) WLTP-DTP-AP
Measurement from sample bag Deviation of NDIR to GC of up to 25 % Interference correction has large influence on NDIR results WLTP-DTP-AP
Emission results from FTP75 tests WLTP-DTP-AP
Simulated emission results at low level Sample bags were assumed with 0,5 ppm for all tests WLTP-DTP-AP