Tutoring CLASSROOM RULES: Foundations of Math 1 Mrs. Gordon Be PROMPT Be on time and ready to work when the bell rings. Be PREPARED Bring required materials daily. Be POLITE Be respectful of yourself, others, and school property; Follow directions; Do not interrupt teacher or peers; Be mindful of your words. Grading Policy All grades will be based on learning targets from standards. 6 = 100, 5 = 90, 4 = 80, 3 = 70, 2 = 60, 1 = 50, 0.5 = 45, 0 = 0 Scale 6– You have mastered the concept and have explained thoughts thoroughly. 5 – You proved that you definitely understand the concept. 4 – You definitely understand the concept, but made minimal mistakes. 3 – You understand the concept, but are missing skills (shown work). 2 – You mostly have it, but you are still stuck on some parts. 1 – You have an idea of what to do, but still need a lot of work. 0.5 – You tried the skill but it wasn’t on the right track. Ask for help! 0 – You left the question blank…ask for help right now!! Register to receive text messages and/or e-mail messages with reminders, homework assignments, and other class information. Text @sgordon3rd To 81010 Required Materials ISN, Binder, Pencil, Glue, Scissors, Calculator, Pen, Colored Pencils, Good Attitude Grade Percentages Major (Tests/Projects, etc.) 60% Minor (Quizzes) 30% Classwork/Homework 10% Foundations of Math 1 Mrs. Gordon susangordon@davidson.k12.nc.us Reassessments will be available after each unit test for students who did not master the concepts. Requirements for Reassessments: Student must fill out Request to Reassess Form. Students must demonstrate 2 ways effort was made to improve understanding. Parent must sign Request to Reassess Form. Student must schedule time with teacher (during Wildcat or tutoring) to complete Reassessment. Reassessment grades replace original, regardless of outcome. Tutoring Contact your teacher for tutoring opportunities. Tutoring is only available to students who are putting forth their very best effort in class each day.
Consequences Make-Up Work After an absence, it is YOUR responsibility to contact your teacher as soon as possible for any missing assignments. If you are absent on a test day, then you will be required to make up the test you missed on the day that you return to class. If you are absent the day prior to a test, you are still required to take the test when you return on the following day unless new material was covered on the day you absent. Consequences Any behavior that hinders a classmate from learning will not be tolerated and will result in an immediate dismissal from class. _________________________________ Student Name Student Signature _____________ Date