Distribution of TMEM173 in vertebrates. Distribution of TMEM173 in vertebrates. (A) Maximum likelihood tree inferred based on a set of TMEM173 sequences selected from representative vertebrate species from fishes to mammals. Bootstrap support is indicated by nodes supported by values higher than 70%. Blue squares indicate sequences identified as wt. Yellow circles represent truncated isoform 1 sequences, red diamonds are assigned to truncated isoform 2 sequences, and green triangles are used to identify truncated isoform 3 sequences. Each sequence is labeled with the corresponding STING isoform type, the species from which the sequence is obtained, and the GenBank accession number. (B) Intron–exon distribution representation of the wt and the three alternative TMEM173 isoforms in humans created using the software Vector NTI (https://www.thermofisher.com/es/es/home/life-science/cloning/vector-nti-software.html). Accessions for all sequences are provided in the figure. Estefanía Rodríguez-García et al. ImmunoHorizons 2018;2:363-376 Copyright © 2018 The Authors