Think carefully about this question: Why Law? Remember: Law school can be expensive 3 or4 year (depending on the school) Graduate degree program Law degree is now called Juris Doctor (JD) Formerly the LLB (Bachelor of Laws)
Location, Location, Location Urban? Suburban? Rural? Out of Province? Country? Which factors will influence your school choice?
Basic ExpensesLiving at Home Living in Osgoode Chambers Living Off Campus Tuition$ Ancillary Fees$850 Books and Supplies$1 100 Health and Dental Plan (estimated)$365 Rent$0$6 600$5 600 Utilities$0 $240 Telephone $40/month with some long distance) $320 Internet (free wireless access in Osgoode Chambers $0 $280 Basic Cable ($35/month)$0$280 Groceries and Persona Care (estimated at $250/month) $800$2 000 Transportation (Student TTC Pass)$856$0$856 Entertainment & Misc. ($100/month)$800 TOTAL BASIC COSTS$22 722$29 946$30 322
Administered by the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) for law school candidates Assesses verbal reasoning and logical skills Requirement to get into Canadian law schools Next 4 dates: November 1April 15, 2011 May 1, 2011June 30, 2011
Plan to study four to six hours per week for a (minimum) four to six week period before the exam Preparation times will vary LSAT scores range from 120 to 180, with a median score of 150. Plan to take the test only once because... some law schools will average the scores or take the lower/higher of the previous results
Note that requirements for each law school differs
Applications for first year programs in law schools are due by November 1 st If you are applying to upper years, the dates may vary this years upper-year due date May 1 st, 2011
Law School Questions/Essays Law School Choices Personal Sketch Reference Contact Information LSAT Score(s) Other Institutions Attended Transcripts
Personal Sketch; internships, extracurriculars, volunteering experience, professional associations, awards Whats your story? Make friends with your Profs! LSAT score Strong GPA (3.5 +)
Non-refundable so choose carefully ! Number of Choice(s)Application Fee One school$275 Two schools$365 Three schools$455 Four schools$545 Five schools$635 Six schools$725
University of Victoria Average Cumulative GPA = 3.84 Average LSAT Score = 87 th percentile Osgoode: Average Cumulative GPA = % of entrants scored above the 80 th percentile on their LSAT University of Toronto: Average Cumulative GPA (of best 3 years) = 85% Median LSAT Score = 95 th percentile Queens: Average Cumulative GPA = 88% Average LSAT Highest Score = 90 th percentile
Can do American/Canadian Joint Law Programs Windsor, York U, Western offer this option Applications may be due later Combined program JD/MBA (Masters of Business Administration) Do both GMAT + LSAT with acceptable scores JD/LLM (Master of Laws)