For the cells below, tell if water will move IN or OUT. 1. 2. 3.
For each example below, tell if the solution in the cell is hypertonic, hypotonic, or isotonic. 1. 2. 3.
A cross-section of what part of the cell is shown below?
Isotonic Isotonic cellular environments occur when the concentration outside of the cell and the concentration in the cytoplasm (inside) of the cell is the same. While water will move in and out, there is no NET movement of molecules.
Hypertonic Hypertonic environments are created when the solution outside of the cell has more dissolved solute than inside of the cell. This causes water to move OUT of the cell.
Hypotonic A hypotonic environment for a cell is created when the solution outside of the cell has LESS dissolved solute than the cytoplasm of the cell. This causes water to move INTO the cell.
Normal Cells in Isotonic Solution Cells in Hypertonic Solution Cells in Hypotonic Solution
Hypertonic environments shrink animal and plant cells. Isotonic environments cause no net change. Hypotonic environments swell animal cells. Hypotonic environments will not swell plant cells. WHY?