Preparations 2015 FF season FF meeting – April (tbc) EERC (Voluntary Pool) Buffer Capacities Copernicus GMES- Mapping Service 2
Preparations 2015 FF season (cont.) Information analysis and dissemination The ERCC portal JRC/EFFIS reports Weekly VC ECHO Forest Fire Bulletin CP experts training 3
Exchange of information Prevention Preparedness and Response Annual FF Meeting Exchange of information Prevention Preparedness and Response Forecasting the season Discussing the constraints 4
Weekly – (Thursdays) / Ad hoc if needed FF Videoconference Weekly – (Thursdays) / Ad hoc if needed ERCC+ PT + ES + FR + IT + EL + HR + JRC/EFFIS + Ad hoc PS Exchange of information – past and coming week ECHO FF Bulletin 5
Forest Fire Weekly Bulletin Forest Fires Support and info sharing Tools Forest Fire Weekly Bulletin Done by the ERCC Dissemination of information to all PS Important for the least fire-prone countries 6
Nominated by PS – chosen by the ERCC COM covers travel and lodging CP Experts training From all PS 2 per week July and August Nominated by PS – chosen by the ERCC COM covers travel and lodging Learning and teaching experience ECHO FF Bulletin National presentation 7
Copernicus - GIO-EMS Mapping Service ECHO ERCC: single entry point. Forest Fires Support and info sharing Tools Copernicus - GIO-EMS Mapping Service ECHO ERCC: single entry point. Operational coordination. Authorisation of activations based on pre- defined criteria 8
New CP legislation Establish a European Emergency Response Capacity consisting of a voluntary pool; Co-finance buffer capacities to address temporary shortcomings.
Voluntary pool The voluntary pool is a system whereby Member States can pre-commit response capacities for EU missions. The quality of the assistance is ensured through the establishment of quality criteria and a certification process. In return for this commitment, Member States benefit from financial support for developing and transporting these capacities.
Buffer capacities The EU can co-finance framework contracts, framework partnership agreements or similar arrangements to have additional response capacities available in order to address temporary shortcomings in extraordinary disasters. The co-finaning is limited to 40% of the standby costs.
Proposal for buffer capacities Type Number Aerial Forest Fire Fighting module 2 Best fit to fight extraordinary fires in the region Complementary high capacity firefighting aircrafts adapted to a variety of geographic conditions Strategically positioned to allow for quicker and more effective deployment to different parts of the risk prone area