It is an instrument put at the Romanian farmers’ disposal by APIA through which the applicants for direct payments from EU funds can identify and digitize the parcels they use in a GIS environment. Simultaneously the farmers fill in the area declaration, in compliance with the size of the parcels measured through digitization.
It is enabled from: Necessary Requirement – Internet Connexion. Farms headquarters (large farms, farms with internet connection). Mayor’s offices. APIA Local/county offices.
Advantages: The paper maps are no longer necessary. The area digitized by farmers is very accurately measured. The error risk, therefore the penalization risk, is more reduced. The applicant can access the application from anywhere in the world, provided that he has an internet connexion. The results are available at any moment. In the following claim year the farmer makes only the corrections corresponding to the modifications occurred. The data consistency is verified by the system (total areas, overlaps, etc).