Step 1: Please contact tshorrock@ncb. org Step 1: Please contact who will provide you with an invitation to the Trello board. This should take you to the page in the picture below. If you don’t already have an account use the Sign up button to gain access to the EYSEND Partnership planner board. This will require entering a few details and verifying your access through the email address you use to sign up.
Step 2: Through your access email you will be taken to the board Step 2: Through your access email you will be taken to the board. You might want to save this in your favourites. If you don’t you can access the board through
Step 3: On the left hand side of the board is our key Step 3: On the left hand side of the board is our key. This is made up of cards that I have put into a list. The colours are called labels and should be used to identify which region an event is in. Whilst it would be good to have additional keys for local areas, there are not enough on the system and this could get overly complicated. So, for now please use regional labels when inputting all events. E.g. Use the North East green label for both a North East regional ALS and a local ALS, for example an SLCN ALS in Newcastle. Step 4: To add something to the key click the ‘Add another card’ Enter the name of the key into the card. Click ‘…’ circle in red which will give you the option to add a coloured label. When you choose a label your card will be inputted into the list. I have used the ‘Other’ card for any other meetings (e.g. advisory groups). We shouldn’t need too many, if any more cards for the key.
Step 5: To add events and training into Trello follow step 4 but input the information into the the list that corresponds to the correct month. Note: Please input the day of the month when the event/training is taking place, like here. Cards won’t automatically be put into any order but you can can drag and drop cards up and down the list.