What will your child be learning in Year 3 ? Literacy: In Literacy this term we will start with poetry focusing on shape poems and creating visual literacy pieces. Later this term we will be looking at letters drawing motivation from our class reader ‘Diary of a Killer Cat’. A lot of our writing will be linked to our Creative Curriculum. Numeracy: This term in Numeracy we will be working on addition, subtraction and multiplication, division working on mental strategies to solve problems. We will continue to do a lot of work on achieving our goal of knowing all of our times tables buy the end of year 3. The maths homework given will always support class work. R.E. In R.E. this term Year 3 will be preparing for their First Holy Communion with Mrs Steinart. We will be following ‘The Bread of Life’ preparation book alongside activities prepared in school. The children will be making their First Holy Communion on Saturday 6th June. A Creative Curriculum This Spring term will be learning about The Egyptians through lots of different subjects. Computing: We will be creating many things on the computers and using computers to present and share our learning. History: An exciting and creative study of Ancient Egypt and it’s people. Art & DT: In Year 3 we will create exciting art and DT pieces inspired by Ancient Egypt. Science: The new topics for science this term are as follows: Spring 1: Animals including humans. This is continued on from our animals topic in the Autumn term, we will start to focus on the nutritional needs of animals and build on our animal knowledge. Spring 2: Rocks including soils.