Lessons from the Rich, Young Ruler (2) Luke 18:18-30
Previously Luke 18:18-23 This young ruler runs up to Jesus and kneels before Him and asks about eternal life He kept most of the LOM, but lacked “one thing” Unwilling to give that up, he went away sorrowful
This morning we noted Jesus addressed what it means to be “good” The question this ruler asked is a good and needed question. BUT could it be asked with wrong motives (knowing something is not right and seeking validation for that)
This morning we noted Jesus appealed to the Law of God He began with a common foundation He loved him He pointed out his error He put the responsibility on him He let him walk away
That “one thing” – wealth! As Jesus quoted from the 10 commandments (and some other laws), notice what He didn’t say (Mark 10:19, Matthew 19:18-19) “You shall not covet…” – Exodus 20:17 Covetousness – greediness, desiring more than one is due (BDAG) Ephesians 5:3-5, Colossians 3:5, Luke 12:15
That “one thing” – wealth! Note how Jesus responded when this man walked away How hard it is for those with riches to enter the kingdom of heaven – Luke 18:24-25
That “one thing” – wealth! Note how Jesus responded when this man walked away It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle… Luke 18:24-25 Some contend a low entrance into Jerusalem or threading a chord through the needle. BOTH make our salvation without supernatural help
That “one thing” – wealth! The eye of a needle We need God’s help to be saved! The disciples asked, “Who then can be saved” With God it is possible cf. Luke 1:37, Romans 4:21) We need the grace of God – Ephesians 2:8-9!
That “one thing” – wealth! Why is wealth dangerous? NOTE: Being wealthy is not sinful of itself. Many examples of wealth – Abraham, David, Barnabas, Joseph of Arimathea With wealth there are good things No virtue in poverty Proverbs 10:15, 30:8-9 The challenge is HOW do we use what we have?
That “one thing” – wealth! Why is wealth dangerous? The DESIRE to be rich is dangerous Covetousness IS a sin! Wealth can cause one to depend on self – Luke 12:13-21, James 4:13-17 1 Timothy 6:6-10 - temptations and snares
That “one thing” – wealth! Why is wealth dangerous? Wealth can cause one to: Forget God Become selfish, greedy, prideful Materialistic Not content To look down on others False sense of security Matthew 16:26
That “one thing” – wealth! Why is wealth dangerous? With wealth comes great responsibilities – 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Peter’s response to Jesus See, we have left all to follow You They had! Jesus assures them Luke 18:29-30 We are told that following Jesus comes with a cost – Matthew 10:34-38, Luke 14:26-27 BUT, walking away from the wealth of this world brings greater wealth – eternal life. AND a spiritual family
WHAT would you have done? Why was he sorrowful? He was rich and unwilling to surrender his riches. There is sadness in considering one unwilling to give up this world’s things to obtain eternal life (Matthew 16:26) BUT, is this more common than we care to admit?
WHAT would you have done? Are we wealthy? Considering the nation we live in, our incomes, our conveniences, etc.? We take for granted how much we are blessed compared to most of the world. Even our poor have resources
WHAT would you have done? Are we wealthy? What would we give up if it stood in our way of eternal life? Bank accounts? Luxurious homes and cars? Television and internet? Our entertainment and recreation? Jobs and worldly influence? Worldly wisdom? Jeremiah 9:23-24
WHAT would you have done? If Jesus said to you… You lack “one thing”, you need to give up ??? (You probably know what that “one thing” is) What would you do? Would you walk away?
This account summarized: He came to the right source – Jesus He asked the right question He received the right answer But in the end, he made the wrong decision
What will you do with the gospel? Luke 18:18-30