Graduate School Meeting KUBS December 7, 2018 Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Business and International Business Kim Bae Ho
Important Current Facts and Discussion
2018 Spring, Fall Admission Rate Fall(September) Expected KUBS 2018 Spring, Fall Admission Rate Classification Spring(March) Fall(September) Expected Remarks MS PhD (Including MS-PhD) Management 9 3 5 Foreigners inclusive Marketing 8 4 “ Finance 14 Accounting 7 6 LSOM 2 1 MIS Int. Business Total 49 22 17 KUBS
2. Comprehensive Examination KUBS 2. Comprehensive Examination Registration Procedure Time for the submission of documents: Beginning of March/September Documents to submit : Application (1 copy), Transcript (1 copy) Procedure : After getting the confirmation from advisory professors and Area chair professors, submit them in administrative office. Limit on Attempts Students can take the Comprehensive Exam up to three times. Students in the PhD program must pass the exam within seven semesters while students in the integrated MS/PhD program must pass it within nine semesters. For further details, please refer to the internal regulations for each area Courses – refer to the internal regulations for each department and major area Schedule and other Detailed Information – Refer to the school portal and the noticeboard of the KUBS homepage KUBS
3. Guideline on the Meeting of Admitted Graduate Students KUBS 3. Guideline on the Meeting of Admitted Graduate Students Date and Time : 2018. 12. 14(Fri) 17:00 ∼ Place : Hyundai Motors Building Room(B307), Hyundai Motors Building (7 other rooms for meeting by major) Content: - Guide to prepare for the academic fields that students feels inadequate during the vacation period before the entrance to the Graduate school - Scholarship and support for research, information on employment, etc. - Meeting with current students (by Major area) KUBS
Important Notices
1. Rate of English Theses (2016.3~2018.2) KUBS 1. Rate of English Theses (2016.3~2018.2) Classification Academic Theses English Theses Rate Master 92 65 70.6% PhD 41 28 68.2% ※ Best English Thesis Award Selection and award the best thesis among the theses written in English 1 thesis recommended from each major area Award ceremony for the Best English Thesis Award to be held at the end of January and July Scholarship 300,000won(per person) KUBS
2. Dissertation Submission KUBS 2. Dissertation Submission Internet Application March(first or middle ten days) ~ April (first or middle ten days)/September(first or middle ten days) ~ October (first or middle ten days) of each semester (apply in KUPID) Application April middle ten days/October middle ten days of each semester (Only in the case of internet applicants) Requirements Students who have passed the Foreign Language Exam and Comprehensive Exam In the case of PhD and integrated MS/PhD, students who have published more than one research paper as the first author or the corresponding author in the world-renowned SCI-listed (Science Citation Index) journals, the NRF-listed (National Research Foundation) journals, NRF-semi-listed journals (non-science majors) Students who have fulfilled all other departmental an major area requirements Documents to submit Students have to submit all required documents when submitting their dissertation Refer to KUPID announcement, Business School Homepage Board KUBS
3. PhD Program TA/RA Stipends KUBS 3. PhD Program TA/RA Stipends KUBS participation in BK21Plus (From 2013.9~till date) Among KUBS PhD students, 26 students who are participating in BK21Plus are provided with TA/RA stipends out of BK21Plus funds on the 25th of every month Students who are not participants are provided with TA/RA stipends out of KUBS funds at the end of every month KUBS
4. International Conference KUBS 4. International Conference Registered student and Completed Research Student Students who present a paper at an international conference Once per year Support up to 2,000,000won Applicable to airfare, registration fee, accommodation fee 37 students in 2016 / 39 students in 2017 / 12 students in Spring 2018 Submit print after entering information about the applicable international conference in the Korea University Research Management System. KUBS
4. International Conference KUBS 4. International Conference Classification Method of Payment Supporting Documents Remarks Airfare Personal card (or cash) (Graduate students in BK: BK Research Grant Card) boarding pass, certificate of the facts concerning entry and exit (Issued through minwon24) * Departure/Arrival location must be same. * Only one day before and after official conference dates recognized E-ticket Sales Statement/Slip, Receipt of proof of purchase Accommodation Accommodation receipt (name, length of stay inclusive) Sales Statement/Slip, Receipt of proof of purchase * Based on Table of travel expense; highest amount for lodging per day Registration fee Receipt of registration (Name, Conference name inclusive ) Outside these, the expense for Taxi or Airport bus is not applicable KUBS
5. SK/IBRE Publication Fund KUBS 5. SK/IBRE Publication Fund Registered student and Completed Research Student Paper published or expected to be published in the SK/IBRE Award Journal List SK 2,000,000won / IBRE 500,000won Affiliated Institution: Korea University Business School From Spring 2016 till date, a total of 12 PhD students (including Ms-PhD integrated program) have published in the best international journals (SK/IBRE journal) and applied for the publication fund Submit print after entering information about the applicable research paper in the Korea University Research Management System. KUBS
※ How to enter research achievements in KURMS KUBS ※ How to enter research achievements in KURMS ▪ International Conference: Academic Conference ▪ SK/IBRE Publication : Academic Paper Research Achievement Academic Paper Academic Conference KUBS
※ How to enter research achievements in KURMS KUBS ※ How to enter research achievements in KURMS ▪ Click on “New” button New KUBS
※ How to enter research achievements in KURMS KUBS ※ How to enter research achievements in KURMS ▪ Fill required fields(*), Click Save and Confirm File registration Language Name of paper Classification of Journal Journal of publication Form of Paper Publisher Academic field Country of Publication Status of Publication Number of Authors Author Information KUBS
※ How to enter research achievements in KURMS KUBS ※ How to enter research achievements in KURMS Q. I want to correct/delete my research achievements. During the first time of registration, all the required fields entered, as a matter of rule, is considered accurate so that after saving and confirmation, the research achievement cannot be corrected or deleted. However, in the inevitable case that correction is required (ex. When you personally make a mistake in entering information such as Accepted → Published, etc) Please contact the office through telephone or email and it will be corrected as soon as possible [Questions concerning Research Achievement Management] Contact Department: Research Promotion team 02-3290-1133 KUBS
Thank You
Special Lecture on Research Ethics Date and Time: 2018.12.7 (Fri) 14:00~15:30 Place: Hyundai Motors Building Room B307 Instructor: Prof. Ha Tae Hoon KUBS December 7, 2018