EU Marine Strategy Stakeholder meeting 8 November 2007 Carlos Berrozpe Garcia & Gert Verreet
Timing institutional negotiations What went before European Parliament First Reading completed – November 2006 Council Political Agreement – 18 December 2006 Common Position – 23 July 2007 Recently Start of second reading EP first week of September 2007 EP ENVI Committee vote on draft amendments 9 October 2007 (63) Council WP Environment 11/9, 1/10, 18/10, 23/10 Council COREPER 31/10 Ongoing Informal trilogues 5/11, 19/11, … Council COREPER 9/11, 14/11 2nd Reading deadline for compromise package Vote in EP Plenary 12/12
Main outstanding issues for second reading Scope, including interfacing regulatory regime between the Marine Strategy and the Water Framework Directive (Article 3) also waters beyond national jurisdiction, Arctic Marine protected areas Role of the European Commission (range advisory / requesting additional efforts / deciding on sufficiency) Good Environmental Status (definition and descriptors) Joint regional strategies or MS strategies coordinated regionally Overall ambition and binding nature of the directive Council: 'with the aim of achieving GES' vs. EP : 'shall achieve GES' Disproportionate cost (elements of strategies, measures), excemptions Timetable for implementation
Strategies to be developed in regions (and/or) sub-regions Baltic Sea (cf. HELCOM, BSAP) North East Atlantic Ocean (cf. OSPAR) Mediterranean Sea (cf. Barcelona Convention) Black Sea (cf. Bucharest Convention) Sub-regions possible for 2. and 3.
Marine Strategy Directive - Implementation milestones (Commission proposal) Marine Strategies to be progressively developed and implemented based on the following steps: Description and assessment of current environmental status including the environmental impact of human activities – [4 years] after entry into force at the latest Determination of good environmental status – [4 years] after entry into force Establishment of environmental targets – [5 years] after entry into force at the latest Monitoring programme – [6 years] after entry into force at the latest Programme of measures towards good environmental status – by [2016] at the latest Entry into operation of programmes of measures – by [2018] at the latest Good Environmental Status – by [2021] Strategies to be devised building upon existing programmes and activities developed in the framework of international agreements, e.g. regional seas conventions + Iterative approach – adaptive management – regular reviews (every 6 years)
Administrative start-up of implementation START, entry into force = OJ publication date + 20 days [best estimate: during 2008]. Then: a) Competent authorities notification = OJ publication + 20 days + 6 months [during 2008] b) Legal transposition deadline = entry into force + 3 years [during 2011] c) Member State’s information on subdivision of Regions, to be submitted by date of transposition + possible revision after initial assessment [2011 or 2012]
Timeline for effective implementation (tentative)
Elements contribution to implementation - ongoing EMMA process - European Environment Agency - Joint Research Centre (+ own research) - Existing research funding FP 7 (& predecessors) marine and maritime - Water Framework Directive experience Developing guidance for implementation - Reinforcement by maritime policy initiatives - EMODNET -> data systems - Multidimensional mapping - Atlas of the Seas ~ features and uses of the seas