Welcome to Exploring Careers Mrs. Deanna Hunold
Purpose of Exploring Careers To teach about the hundreds of careers that are available To help each student to recognize his/her personality traits, learning styles, and values which will help him/her choose a career that fits them best To assist students in creating a plan for their future, including educational goals
Grading Guidelines Work will consist of class participation, class work and projects. Follow the district grading guidelines of: 40% Daily work 60% Major grades 3 Major grades per 9 weeks 9 Daily grades per 9 weeks 2 Grades of my choice Grades are updated by Friday each week.
Schedule and Conference Tutoring will be arranged if necessary. Transportation must be provided by the parents. My conference time is 3rd period between the hours of 9:25 and 10:14 am.
Teacher E-mail You can e-mail me at anytime throughout the day. All e-mail and phone messages will be returned within 24 hours of being received.
Statement of Policy Students are responsible for all damage done to computer and computer equipment assigned to their workstation. Please report any abuse by another student to me immediately so that we can take appropriate actions.
Teacher Web pages Go to the Tomball ISD website Click on WWJH Click on About Click on Staff Directory Begin typing teacher’s name – click on teacher Click on the button on the right hand side that says subscribe Enter email address and that they are a parent
Thank You We will have a great semester. Enjoy your evening!!!