Kyrene de la Estrella Mrs. Strauss Room 16 Curriculum Night 2017-2018
About Mrs.Strauss Teaching Experience Years in Kyrene Personal
Daily School Schedule 7:40 a.m. Line up at #16 7:45 a.m. Math Warm-Up 8:00-8:30 Math Focus Groups (IFG) 8:30-9:15 a.m. Math 9:15-9:30 a.m. Recess/Snack 9:30-10:50 a.m. ELA 10:50- 11:30 a.m. Lunch (Recess precedes lunch) 11:30-12:15 p.m. ELA 12:15-1:00 p.m. SS/Science/Health/STEM 1:00-1:30 p.m. Reading Focus Groups (IFG) 1:45-2:30 p.m. Specials 2:35 p.m. Dismissal (12:35pm Wednesdays)
Math Resource- Investigations/Engage New York - building fluency with addition and subtraction (to 20) - Measurement (Metric and Standard) -Geometry -Problem Solving- 1 and 2 step problems -Telling time to the 5-minutes -Money Dreambox!
ELA Resource- Amplify Core Knowledge Listening/Learning Skills Dibels/fluency Daily 5
Science States of Matter Body Systems Weather Insects
Special Areas Schedule Monday: P.E. Tuesday: Library Wednesday: Computer Lab Thursday: Music Friday: Art * Tennis shoes need to be worn on Mondays
Technology Computer lab 1-1 technology Microsoft Word Discovery Ed. Typing Agent
Behavior Love & Logic S.T.A.R. slips Communication with Parents
Homework Folder Folder comes home each day Homework packet comes home each Friday Due the following Friday
Progress Reports 4 times a year Grades: Proficient Developing Area of concern Sign envelope & return A+
Communication Phone: 480-541-3116 Weekly newsletters E-mail: Phone: 480-541-3116 Weekly newsletters