Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities


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Presentation transcript:

Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Script: In this section, we will be talking about how we can Take Action in our communities. 7: Take Action

Take Action: Learning Objectives Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action Take Action: Learning Objectives Describe the roles of decision makers to influence public policy and create healthy communities. Communicate effectively with your community leaders and decision makers. Identify appropriate techniques to evaluate physical activity and healthy eating initiatives. Script: In this section we will learn to: Describe the characteristics of leadership that are important to influence public policy and create active communities. Communicate effectively with your community leaders and decision makers. Identify appropriate techniques to evaluate physical activity initiatives.

Who do you need to talk to? Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action Script: Now that we know how to educate decision makers and inform them about the needs and desires of our communities, let’s learn about who our local decision makers are. Refer to the handout associated with this slide called “Who are the decision makers in my area?” Participants often ask about local, county, and state level decision makers. Here are some links if they have questions: Look up local city and county websites Who do you need to talk to?

What do local community decision makers do? Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action What do local community decision makers do? City Councils and Commissioners Carry out policy improvements that promote healthy living Uphold zoning regulations Determine the allocation of funding Mayor’s Offices Organize and lead forces to promote fitness and health Attend community events focused on health Designate city resources and priorities toward health initiatives School Boards Improve policies regarding physical activity and healthy eating for school-age children (K-12) Regulate the use of playground areas after school hours Parks and Recreation Departments Implement and maintain built environment Promote access to facilities that promote physical activity and healthy eating Provide physical activity opportunities for all ages and abilities Law Enforcement Promote and support security Ensure that safety, or a lack of, is not a barrier to individuals and families being physically active City and Urban Planning Departments Shape the development of new built environments Build sidewalks with all new roads Create parks in areas without them Create ordinances for healthy growth and development Script: Decision makers play an important and influential role in shaping the environments in which children and adults live, learn and play. Through laws, regulations, appropriations and other policy tools, decision makers can: Encourage environments that facilitate walking, running and biking. Promote access to trails, parks and recreational facilities that support active living. Encourage the provision of nutritionally balanced meals in schools, childcare, and public worksites. Increase the amount of school time dedicated to high-quality physical education. Increase access to fresh fruits and vegetables in neighborhoods with few resources. Reduce healthcare costs by focusing on preventative measures. Decision makers are individuals that have power to make decisions about policies, ordinances or laws that will effect our local community. They may be based locally, regionally or at the state or national level, but their decisions have some direct impact on communities and neighborhoods. Here are some examples of different positions and responsibilities in a local community. It is important to identify individuals who hold these positions and offices so we can begin to engage them in positive initiatives. The term built environment refers to the man-made surroundings, such as buildings, parks, and transportation systems, sometimes it includes access to healthy food, such as farmers’ markets and community gardens. Active Texas 2020: Taking Action to Improve Health By Promoting Physical Activity.

Community Change Video Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action Community Change Video Script: Let’s look at how a group of individuals in West Brownsville, stopped the development of a toll road in their neighborhood and are turning it into a walk and bike trail instead.

Neighbors Unite to Promote a Healthier Community Video Discussion Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action Neighbors Unite to Promote a Healthier Community Video Discussion What role did the community members of Brownsville play in stopping the toll road? What would be your first step to start a change like this in your community? Script: Let’s discuss the movie we just watched as a whole group. What role did the community members of Brownsville play in stopping the toll road? They joined together Created a coalition Talked to public officals Put together a petition Talked to community members What would be your first step to start a change like this in your community? Get other community members involved Talk to decision makers Go through the steps you’ve learned in the training

How do we communicate what our community Needs? Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action Script: We need to begin by talking about how do you engage decision makers in discussions about policy improvements, systems and environmental changes to improve physical activity and healthy eating. We will cover: who are the leaders to connect with for your issue What information to provide ways to communicate with them How do we communicate what our community Needs?

Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action Communicate needs by… Connecting Educating Building long-term relationships Script: Connect with decision makers and their citizens. Build a relationship. Know who the key players are and who to target. Educate decision makers about new and important findings and changes in your community. Be able to provide data to talk about health issues in community. Identify specific policy goals and a realistic strategy to achieve them. Demonstrate community support. Build ongoing, credible relationships. Use networking to connect and reach out to decision makers.

How would you communicate this information? Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action How would you communicate this information? Communicate in a variety of ways. Prepare. Be concise. Script: Some ways work better than others, but the most effective way to communicate and influence is usually in person. If that is not possible, phone call, emails, and other forms of contact can have an impact as well such as: Written letters Invitation to meetings Petition Media spots Town hall meetings You can get free media spots by inviting television channels to cover an event you are having.

Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action What do you need to say? Prepared statements, commonly known as elevator speeches, are previously written and practiced presentations in which you communicate what is important for your community. Script: Think of someone you would want to share your elevator speech with. It can be hard to say what is important when you have a very short time period to speak with a decision maker. Preparing your “speech” is important, even if the conversation will be more informal. You want to grab the person’s attention, define the problem and communicate a solution in a matter of a few minutes. This can take some practice. I’ll show you one first: Hi my name is insert your name here. I live in the community you represent and have three children who go to school in your city. Obesity is a problem in our city among our youth. One reason for obesity is the lack of physical activity. Kids in our city can’t get physical activity by walking to school because there are no sidewalks. I try to take my kids to school walking and we have to walk in the street. We have been nearly hit by a car too many times to count. As you know, recently, a mother of a child was hit and killed while walking their child to school. I want you to increase the funding for sidewalks each year so sidewalks can be built in the area around my children’s school and around other schools in our city. I will call you to discuss this further. What times work best for you? You can use this when talking to: Community members Decision makers

Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action What do you need to say? HOOK: ABOUT YOU Smile and open with a statement or question that grabs attention: a hook that prompts your listener to ask questions. Tell who you are: describe yourself and your role in the community. Tell why you matter. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Read through the entire handout (questions 1-3) with the participants and then have them break into pairs and practice, first preparing individually by filling in the handout and then practicing with their partner as if one is the decision maker and one is the person making the pitch. Script: Here is an outline you can use to prepare for an opportunity to speak with a decision maker. Pretend you run into them on an elevator, or are given only a very brief appointment to speak with them. These speeches are important even if you can only speak with the decision maker’s secretary or staff. They too need to be influenced in order to gain access to the person who can ultimately help your cause or initiative. Prepare, prepare, prepare.

Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action What do you need to say? LINE: WHAT IS THE ISSUE? Why does the issue matter? Explain why this issue is important to your community. Provide local data / comparisons to others. Tell your story. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Script: Demonstrate the difference between national or regional data and your community. Share data and opinions that you have collected from your community. Identify the issue your community is dealing with. Be concise and know your facts.

Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action What do you need to say? 3. SINKER: ASK FOR COMMITMENT What do you want from the person? Ask them to support your issue, introduce a bill, etc. You should always find out how you will be able to follow up. You will likely want an appointment with the decision maker or staff after the speech. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Script: Let the decision maker know why they should be interested in this issue and what you would like them to do, whether it is to support you at a town hall meeting, bring up the issue with other decision makers, or become a spokesperson for the community around this issue and its prevention.

Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action Let’s Practice! Design your elevator talk and share it with a partner. Give feedback to your partner: What is one thing they need to improve? What was one thing they did really well? Script: Use examples from your own community and issues your community faces. Tell real stories of families and individuals who are constituents of the decision maker or community leader with whom you are meeting. Ask everyone to find a partner to practice their speeches with and ask them to give each other feedback. Give the first person 2 minutes and then switch to give the other partner 2 minutes to practice.

Thinking about the Future – How do we know if Our Project is working? Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action Script: Let’s change gears here and think about the future now, how do we know if our program is working? Take a few moments to discuss this as a group. We are able to see changes in the community if we measure our success. It is important to know if our action is working so we can continue to gain support, and if it is not make important changes. This is called evaluation. Evaluation doesn’t have to be scary. There is a more extensive tool for evaluation in the resource section of the binder called the Physical Activity Evaluation Handbook if participants are interested in it. Thinking about the Future – How do we know if Our Project is working?

Barriers and Myths: Evaluation Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action Barriers and Myths: Evaluation Evaluation is… Too complex. Something to do once and you can be done with it. A whole new set of activities that we do not have time or resources for. Not important because I know what is good for my community. Script: Often evaluation is thought of as… Too complex. Something to do once and you can be done with it. A whole new set of activities that we do not have time or resources for. Not important because I know what is good for my community. These are all barriers and myths. Evaluation does not have to be complicated and should be ongoing to see how the project is going over time. Evaluation can be done at the same time as many of the other activities and we have already learned how important assessments can be used to evaluate our communities thoughts, opinions, and desires. Evaluation Presentation by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment

Measuring Our Success: Evaluation Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action Measuring Our Success: Evaluation Here are a variety of measures: Pre- and post-tests examining change Changes in minutes of physical activity and blood pressure Observed changes in human behavior and the physical environment Changes in policy Evaluation should include repeating the assessment that was done in the beginning of the project to assess the change by the end. Script: Here are a variety of simple measures you can use for evaluation: Pre- and post-tests examining change – earlier this morning we filed out a pre-test to see how much you knew about the topic today, at the end of the session we will be taking the same test as a post-test to see how much you have learned Changes in minutes of physical activity and blood pressure – you can keep track of these in a log book Observed changes in human behavior and the physical environment – when we went on the walk outside earlier, we used an observational form to keep track of the changes in our environment Changes in policy These measurements can demonstrate success and motivate your community to continue or do more. They can also show you what is not working. It is important to measure your community before, during, and after your program.

What do you do when it doesn’t go as planned? Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action What do you do when it doesn’t go as planned? Pitfalls will happen, it’s better to expect them than to be surprised by them. Use evaluations to help identify problems before its too late. Script: Bring the issues back to your group of community partners and ask them for suggestions and help. Measuring success (evaluation) will help identify problems before it’s too late. Sometimes dealing with problems lead to new opportunities.

Take Action Key Point Recap Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action Take Action Key Point Recap Decision makers are community leaders who hold multiple roles in the community and each one is able to make different changes. It is important to engage decision makers by creating ongoing, positive relationships. Do not forget to evaluate how successful your project is! Script: We are now finished with the section Take Action, let’s review some of the things we learned: Decision makers are community leaders who hold multiple roles in the community and each one is able to make different changes. It is important to engage decision makers by creating ongoing, positive relationships. Do not forget to evaluate how successful your project is!

Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action MY PLAN Take Action What actions can you take in your community? Who can share your story and plan with? Script: Lastly, thinking about the section “Take Action,” please think through these questions: What actions can you take in your community? Who can share your story and plan with? Have people work in groups who are from the same smaller communities and have all of the groups report back.

Your Health Matters: Growing Active, Healthy Communities Take Action Switch to Conclusion PowerPoint