Mexico Mexico is located in North America. Its official name is “United Mexican States”. This country has more than 108.4 million people which is the most Hispanic. Its language is Spanish. For mexican people is so important different factor like education, values and religion.
Mexico – Poltics and Economy Mexico from years ago is said to be a free country, which has trained people to further develop the country, has a president and people assigned to achieve better economic and political performance well above even rivalries between some people .
Mexico – Culture and people In Mexico we have a very interesting culture, principally the family, we were so close to our families and celebrate special days like independences day, this year is so important for mexico because is The Bicentenario. Also we have day of dead, or day of La virgen de Guadalupe or Reyes Magos, where all people go to churches or to the cementary to bring food, flowers and some people sing or pray.
Mexico – Culture and people