European Public Sector Award (EPSA) Innovations for Europe: Increasing Public Value IPSG-Meeting Oliver Haubner, Program Manager Helsinki – October 27th, 2006
The initiators EGPA GEAP European Public Sector Award October 27th, 2006
A European Public Sector Award (EPSA) has to pick up the characteristics of the Public Sector and to highlight its specific purpose: working for the common good and increasing public value October 27th, 2006
Aims of the EPSA implementation of the Lisbon Strategy European Public Sector Award Aims of the EPSA implementation of the Lisbon Strategy creation of a common European administrative space devise new administrative problem solving paradigms foster constructive competition amongst public sector organizations learning from the European Leading Edge encouraging public sector organizations to measure their performance against European benchmarks generating value on the basis of national awards that have a European perspective October 27th, 2006
Prize categories I Innovations that optimize services and outcomes: European Public Sector Award Prize categories I Innovations that optimize services and outcomes: activities to enhance productivity and efficiency without letting substainability and the responsibility for future generations out of sight new accounting stategies business process reengineering activities facing demographic change … October 27th, 2006
European Public Sector Award Prize categories II Innovative decision making processes as well as measures that enhance trust in the organization and belief in its legitimacy the relationship between governmental organizations and the general public decision-making processes including community involvement and participation in democratic processes increased transparency through measures such as open administration and Freedom of Information Acts redefining and restoring public value through measures such as codes of conduct for government employees October 27th, 2006
Organization Coordinating committee Scientific advisory board European Public Sector Award Organization Coordinating committee Initiators of the award country representatives Jury Scientific advisory board Strategic oversight, makes basic decisions Project management team Responsible for project operations Decides on good and best practices Scientific advising and support for coordinating committee management board National contract points Expert groups evaluate applications Coordinate and support project management at national level October 27th, 2006
Role of participating states – national selection procedure European Public Sector Award Role of participating states – national selection procedure national offices / contact points different ways of selecting candidates each country will define its own project related costs, which will depend on the selection process used EPSA: platform for public sector innovations October 27th, 2006
Further criteria will be published in the application form European Public Sector Award Applications Should contain not a mere concept, but a successful implementation at least of parts of the concept Positive effects and outcomes should be proved Transferability in another context should be possible Further criteria will be published in the application form October 27th, 2006
Organising bodies I: Bertelsmann Stiftung European Public Sector Award Organising bodies I: Bertelsmann Stiftung Manages the award together with international partners in the field of administrative sciences Main responsibility for operations in implementing the award Project management / business management based within Bertelsmann Stiftung National contact point in Germany Right of initiative on topic areas Member of the coordinating committee October 27th, 2006
Organising bodies II: Speyer University and EGPA European Public Sector Award Organising bodies II: Speyer University and EGPA Members of the coordinating committee and scientific advisory board Ensure academic quality Provide scientific advise for the award Assist with evaluation and scientific processing of results October 27th, 2006
European Public Sector Award Basic parameters I Bertelsmann Stiftung and its international partners take care of coordination, public communications and quality of work Participating countries contribute within the framework of the national selection processes All countries have one representative on the coordinating committee Bertelsmann Stiftung provides 50 % of total funding October 27th, 2006
Basic parameters II Participation of minimum 10 countries European Public Sector Award Basic parameters II Participation of minimum 10 countries Up to 10 candidates per country Federal Ministry of the Interior, Berlin, will provide major funding for kick-off event during German EU Presidency (March 2007) Switzerland will host closing event in Lucerne (November 12th-13th, 2007) October 27th, 2006
For further information European Public Sector Award For further information Oliver Haubner Professor Dr. Hermann Hill Professor Dr. Geert Bouckaert EGPA GEAP October 27th, 2006
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