Coaching TBTs and BLTs Brian A McNulty Ph. D.
Principals will have information and resources to lead their BTs and TBTs. Participants can describe the roles, responsibilities, and actions of effective Building Leadership Teams (BLTs) Participants understand the purpose and importance of Teacher-based Teams (TBTs) and the necessary interactions between them and BLTs and DLTs.
Question #1 to ask you TBTs and BLTs Why do we have TBTs and BLT? What are they supposed to be doing?
Answer for both TBTs & BLTs They are supposed to be learning
For both BLTs and TBTs They should both be learning “What works for our kids here!” If your TBTs can’t identify what they have learned about their kids They aren’t doing the right work. If the BLT can’t identify what they have learned from their TBTs They aren’t doing the right work
Let’s talk about and
WHO is responsible for the improvement of the school? Collectively – We all are! The BLT has the primary responsibility for the improvement of the schools
Have a discussion with your BLT on these 3questions: Do we (the BLT) assume responsibility for the improvement of the whole school? If so, how do you know if what you are doing is having an impact? Who is responsible for sharing what is already working?
If you don’t want to be responsible for the progress of the school… You shouldn’t be on the BLT
IF you don’t know what is working… How do you expect to make progress?
What is the most important decision or action that your BLT took this school year? It would be helpful to explore with your BLT what important decisions you made? Were these the right things to be working on? Stop and see if your BLT can reach agreement on what is the primary responsibility of the BLT?
What is the first and primary responsibility of the Have a discussion with your BLT on what is the primary responsibility of the
What is the first and primary responsibility of the BLT? Help support and strengthen your
Coaching your TBTs?
Where are Your Teacher Teams on a 1-4 scale? Using effective structures? (time, protocols) Effective facilitation in the TBT process? A clear understanding of teaching practices? Use of student work/student thinking Effective use of formative assessment practices to understand the impact of those teaching practices
First have your BLT assess their TBTs If your BLT has not collected any data on your TBTs, use the scale (in your handout) first with your BLT to see where they think on average your TBTs are. Then have a discussion about what this means for your BLT work.
Then have your TBTs assess themselves Distribute the scale to you TBTs Compile and analyze the data and have a discussion with your BLT as to what your TBTs might need. Take action to provide the TBTs with the support you think they need. Repeat at least once per semester
An effective must: Know what is working in the school and WHY it is working By sharing these effective practices with the whole school. Leading the improvement work of the school
First steps for BLTs Your BLT members need to be trained in the process You need to have trained facilitators for each TBT Your teacher teams need to be trained in the process?
Coaching BLT with their TBTs Observations of TBTs matters Frequency matters Have each BLT member observe at least 3 TBTs each semester We have been telling BLTs to do 2 rounds of observations, discussions, and provision of PD per semester. However if you want to speed up your implementation do at least 3 rounds. These observations become the agenda content for your BLT meetings.
Discuss with your BLT When BLT members observe TBTs, have them bring back One thing that they learned from each TBT One thing that each TBTs needs to make progress Next have a discussion with BLT members what you learning about your TBTs What else can we do to learn more from our TBTs?
Have a discussion with your BLT on these questions: How do we, as the BLT, support our TBTs? How do we know what they need? What supports have you provided? How do you know if what you provided has worked, or had an impact?
Reach agreement on what the TBTs are supposed to do in their meetings, Have a discussion with your BLT about “What are TBTs supposed to do?” and “HOW are they supposed to do this? Reach agreement on what the TBTs are supposed to do in their meetings,
What are TBTs supposed to do? When I asked BLT members what TBTs are supposed to do in their meetings, they said 2 things…
When I asked BLT members what TBTs are supposed to do in their meetings, they said… 2 Things Study data, and Fill out the forms
TBTs look at 3 primary things: Unpacking standards to identify and agree on important learning outcomes Develop and use shared Formative Assessments Agree on a shared Instructional Practice
Was in developing instructional strategies In a survey of over 9000 teachers, they perceived that the most helpful and effective focus of collaboration… Was in developing instructional strategies Ronfeldt 2017
“Teachers who implement proven instructional strategies... have mastery experiences when students’ performance improve on assessment measures.” Tschannen-Moran & Barr (2004)
How should TBTs study teaching practices? Choose a practice to address an important learning need Write out a clear description of the steps in the process Have a team member model the steps in the practice (Deliberately) Practice until you have “mastered” the practices with all students
Coaching TBTs Principals and BLT member should use the TBT self assessment when they observe Ask the TBT where they think they are strongest in the process? Assess where you think they need help? Assess what would help them the most? (Solicit information and offer suggestions if you can.)
Common problems in TBTs Lack of facilitation in the process Lack of focus or understanding of: Teaching practices Impact of those teaching practices Formative assessment practices
Only after you have effective TBTs
To Measure Progress towards Their Purpose the BLT Monitors (Year 2, or after your TBTs are strong) 1. Staff learning progress (Adult Actions) 2. Student learning progress
A direct link exits between supporting adult learning and enhanced student achievement Drago-Severson 2009
2. Student Learning Progress* Based on benchmark assessments - Which individual and subgroups of students are/are not making progress? Why? - What actions will we take to facilitate progress? e.g. interventions and supports Follow the same 5-step process as TBTs
The BIG question for BLTs… Are your student supports and interventions working? How do you know?
According to NAEP data, when general education teachers are effective with Tier I instruction and take responsibility for all students, those with special needs do better. Levenson & Cleveland 2016
RtI There is a statistically significant and negative effect of assignment to RtI Tier 2 or Tier 3 intervention services Balu, et al.(2015)
An IEP student whose score was just below the cut point and who participated in the intervention would fall further behind a counterpart who was just above the cut point and had no exposure to the intervention Balu, et al USDOE.(2015)
Actual assignment to intense reading intervention services did not improve the reading skills of early readers Balu, et al.(2015)
The most significant gains among struggling students [with or without IEPs happens] (are achieved) by providing these students, …with teachers skilled in content instruction during extra instructional time Levenson & Cleveland 2016
Principals and BLTs should Review your data to see the progress of students in : Categorical programs Student subgroups Other interventions
Coaching supports Principals should ask: Are students making sufficient progress (i.e. are they on track to catch up? When?) How do you know? What is your evidence?
Coaching supports Principals should ask: How often should we review progress? How do we share what is working/not working? Why is that working/not working? Can we do more/less of that?
Research consistently show that supporting adult learning is directly and positively linked to enhancing children’s achievement. Drago-Severson, 2009
Leaders have tremendous potential to influence the collective work and beliefs of teachers in their schools. Goddard et al. 2015
All successful school systems have come to trust and respect teachers. Fullan (2010)
Brian A McNulty Ph. D. 303-819-1625