ASPIRE Retail Luxury Collectibles -Merchandise 4/6/2019 ASPIRE Retail Luxury Collectibles -Merchandise MANDAR PARNERKAR VINAYAK MANE
CASE STUDY – PROBLEM STATEMENT 4/6/2019 CASE STUDY – PROBLEM STATEMENT A Customer aspires to buy a luxury Car/Bike brands but also meanwhile attracts himself as a Fan for Exclusive luxury merchandise like a Mercedes Benz Watch or a Miniature Car Model or a Harley Davidson Jacket But he usually settles for the limited product available online. Another option is to have a visit to a retail Luxury showroom and get the avail the OEM product. Customer usually hesitates to go through this tedious process and hence we want to provide a solution to this problem through facilitating ONLINE RETAIL LUXURY. For any Luxury Car/Bike Brand’s Success a customer needs to be converted into a FAN and that is the End Game. A customer buys product but a FAN relishes the Experience. But OEM hesitates to venture into aggressive space of online retail since it might jeopardize the opportunity of the current distribution which is via appointed dealers and hence the Sales of Merchandize are dismal. 4/6/2019 SP JAIN - FINTECH 2018
PROCESS FLOW CHART Customer Experience Flow START LOGIN 4/6/2019 MERCEDES BENZ BMW Ducati Harley Davidson Working Capital Limits with Smart Contract between Dealer & OEM SP JAIN - FINTECH 2018 CATALOGUE OPEN STANDARD (<15K) PREMIUM (>15K) Order placed by customer Dealer Limit Approved by Fintech dealer orders New Stock OEM receives payment from Financier OEM Ships Stock /Dealler settles the Payment with Financier along with interest SELECT ITEM CASH 0% EMI PAYMENT MADE Delivery Option – Either Collect from Nearest Luxury Store OR To be couriered to Entered Address.
PROCESS FLOW STEP 1 : LOGIN Customer visits the webpage LOGIN PAGE Customer visits the webpage Logs in through Signup or Existing Login id In case of New Login Sigup with mobile number OTP is generated and the page navigates to the order screen. Mobile number is your Account number to keep it Easy Peasy 4/6/2019 SP JAIN - FINTECH 2018 OTP GENERATION PAGE FOR MOBILE
PROCESS FLOW STEP 2 : ORDER PLACING 4/6/2019 STEP 2 : ORDER PLACING Customer Navigates through the brands. Selects the merchandise. Selects the payment option Chooses Delivery option of Pickup or Courier. 4/6/2019 SP JAIN - FINTECH 2018
PROCESS FLOW STEP 3 : PAYMENT CONFIRMATION 4/6/2019 STEP 3 : PAYMENT CONFIRMATION Payment gateway considered is Razorpay, which would facilitate mostly all types of payments. In case of EMI, total cost is divided by 12 and confirmed from the customer end. No more than 12 months EMI is possible. 100% Paperless Digital lending through a Fintech Tieup ( Bajaj Finserv/ Finance Buddha/ Monexo) 4/6/2019 SP JAIN - FINTECH 2018
PROCESS FLOW STEP 4 : CUSTOMER NOTIFICATION Customer gets Notification Once his order is dispatched. Another notification at delivery is there to the customer. OR Customer can have a Dealer Visit Experience wherein he gets to experience Luxury First Hand 4/6/2019 SP JAIN - FINTECH 2018
Web Hosting Portal COSTING Website Hosting expenses Inr 20000/- P.A Payment Gateway Maintainance – Inr 30,000/- P.A Miscellaneous Expense - Inr 60,000/- P.A Total Web Running Maintanance – Inr115,000/- P.A 4/6/2019 SP JAIN - FINTECH 2018
MODEL AND FEASIBILITY Exclusivity & Ease of Ordering for Customers Digital means Less cash management leads to enhanced productivity for OEM & dealer Revenue Enhancement opportunity for OEMS & dealers since its facilitates online Merchandise Sales. Unlike online Retail Distribution Revenue sharing will be across all levels which leads to everyone being interested. Currently OEM don’t like to put full level merchandise stock on retail outlet giants like CROMA/Amazon or Flipkart since it conflicts them with their own dealers who sell their main Product i.e The Cars Exclusive Non Disclosure Tie up agreement on consumer data which will help us pool in all OEM’s The business model required lot of Ground work to do tie-ups with individual Dealers and OEM which cannot be easily copied or replicated however the growth and margin potential it offers to the OEM’s is what will drive exponential volumes which is the End Game. To Begin with F A D A ( Federation of Automobile Dealer Association ) is the right org to approach for Product Pitch and Presentation 4/6/2019 SP JAIN - FINTECH 2018
REVENUE GENERATION 4/6/2019 The whole Business Plan is of Exclusivity/ high margins but low volumes and hence to begin with we start off with partial commissions from Dealers and Volume Linked Commissions from OEM to achieve MVP The Merchandize will be offered with a No Cost Emi which will be done through consumer finance tie-ups offering Emi up to 12 months Commissions will be earned on the Finance amount disbursed Corporate Gifting Tie-ups – E.g. Redeemable rewards vouchers for performing Employees for motivation Referral Rewards System – Bring more Get more Dealer Funding facilitation with Fintech for Working capital requirements enabled by a Smart Contract SP JAIN - FINTECH 2018
4/6/2019 Thank You SP JAIN - FINTECH 2018