Unit 4 Fairytales/Verbs Spelling and Vocabulary Words Unit 4 Fairytales/Verbs
Objectives List the elements of a fairytale Describe the elements of a fairytale Identify action words or verbs Correctly spell all words on spelling list 5
Objectives Create a twisted fairytale using outline, rough draft and final draft writing procedures List the types narration Describe the types of narration
Spelling and Vocabulary
Auto is the Greek Root word which means self Greek Root Auto Auto is the Greek Root word which means self
The Greek Root word “bibli” means book
automobile (auto/mo/bile A self moving vehicle
Autograph (auto/graph) This means a signature
automatic (auto/ma/tic) Automatic means to be self-acting (acting without instruction or guidance)
autoimmune (auto/im/mune) Autoimmune refers to a living organisms method of fighting off disease
Autocrat means an absolute ruler autocrat (auto/crat) Autocrat means an absolute ruler
autonomous (au/ton/o/mous) This refers to someone or some nation that is independent or self-governing
bibliography (bib/lio/graph/y) A list of books and articles on a particular subject
biblical (bib/li/cal) According to the bible
Latin prefix “in” or “into” This prefix means before
incision (in/ci/sion) A cut (as in cutting into something)
To force in (usually by a needle) inject (in/ject) To force in (usually by a needle)
inoculate (in/oc/u/late) Inoculate means to receive a vaccine into a living organism to prevent disease
incinerate (in/cin/e/rate) To burn to ashes
To receive something from an ancestor at his/her death inherit (in/he/rit) To receive something from an ancestor at his/her death
To dwell in or live in a place inhabit (in/hab/it) To dwell in or live in a place
interfere (in/ter/fere) To interrupt or disturb
What are Verbs Verbs are action words and show the action of the sentence normally in agreement with the subject.