Teen Living 1.01Personal Development Quality of life and character development
Physical Development Heredity = the physical traits that you inherit from your parents (i.e. hair and eye color) Hormones cause physical changes in a teen’s body Exercise is a positive way to deal with stress
Intellectual/Mental Development Character development begins in early childhood An important aspect of character is the ability to choose right from wrong Self-esteem = a person's overall evaluation or appraisal of his or her own worth. A high self-esteem can be developed by taking part in activities that a person is good at
Social Development Personality is influenced by a person’s environment Environment = a person’s neighborhood, school, and friends Peer = one belonging to the same societal group especially based on age, grade, or status
Study Skills Learning and study skills can be improved by organizing classroom notes Calendar – an efficient management tool to help plan things that you want to accomplish A date book is useful to record homework assignments In prioritizing a “to-do” list, items should be ranked in order of importance
Study Skills, cont’d… Over commitment = taking on more than you can accomplish Solution is to learn to say “no” at times Procrastinating = putting off getting things done Dovetailing = combining tasks so that more than one thing is accomplished at a time
Character Responsibility = honest, capable, reliable Empathy = is the capability to share another being's emotions and feelings Respect - actions that honor somebody or something indicate respect
Character, cont’d… Trustworthiness - A trustworthy person is someone in whom you can place our trust and rest assured that the trust will not be betrayed Caring = Feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others Good character = Moral or ethical strength
Create your own “self-esteem” bag! Everyone is unique, has good qualities, and is good at many things. Decorate your bag with pictures that show what you are good at and words that show your good character.