CC45 CM Unit A 1.03 1.03 Integrate personal growth and change into your career development.
Health and Wellness 1.03 Integrate personal growth and change into your career development.
To help stay healthy you must be able to balance your life LIFE ROLES To help stay healthy you must be able to balance your life 4/6/2019 1.03 Growth & change
The way a person lives his or her life Life Style The way a person lives his or her life Type of house Where you live Where work The vehicle they drive 4/6/2019 1.03 Growth & change
Balance Leisure Time - time free from everyday responsibilities. Community Time - time spent volunteering at the local YMCA Family Time - attending a ball game with your parents or with your children Harmony between work life and personal life On-site day care facility - resource that would help individuals balance family and work roles 4/6/2019 1.03 Growth & change
Different causes of stress Good health habits Good health habits are important to staying healthy and fighting off stress Different causes of stress Daily activities Illness Life changes Crisis 4/6/2019 1.03 Growth & change
Life changes Anything that changes your life Example Getting married Having a baby Retirement Job change These can also affect your health in both positive and negative ways 4/6/2019 1.03 Growth & change
Voluntary Job change change is evident when a person is willing to move to a new position
Involuntary Job Change change occurs when a person is forced to take a new position in the company
Changes that can be planned for Predictable Changes that can be planned for 4/6/2019 1.03 Growth & change
Changes that cannot be planned for Unpredictable Changes that cannot be planned for 4/6/2019 1.03 Growth & change
Dealing with stress Establish good health habits Physical activity can relieve tension Talk about problems with a trusted individual Keep a positive outlook Be a good time manager Engage in relaxation activities Utilize support systems 4/6/2019 1.03 Growth & change
Factors that impact physical health Diet/nutrition strategies Weight management Adequate sleep/rest Physical fitness/ physical activity 20 minutes 3 times a week Avoidance of harmful substances (alcohol, drugs, tobacco) Hygiene/grooming 4/6/2019 1.03 Growth & change
Benefits of wellness Looking and feeling good Improved productivity Improved safety Less absenteeism due to illness/injury Lower health care costs Increased energy level Improved self-concept 4/6/2019 1.03 Growth & change
Personal Motivation & aspirations Changes with Time Changes with Circumstances 4/6/2019 1.03 Growth & change
initiating or responding to change Adaptability: being able to adjust to new conditions Flexibility: willingness to change or compromise Two areas where a person needs to be adaptable and flexible in life changes are with feedback and criticism 4/6/2019 1.03 Growth & change
Feedback Positive Feedback Negative Feedback building on a person's strengths Negative Feedback pointing out what someone is doing poorly and telling him how to change it When offering feedback to a co-worker, it is important to offer positive and negative comments 4/6/2019 1.03 Growth & change
Criticism Constructive Criticism Destructive criticism presented in a way that can help a person learn and grow Destructive criticism Presented in a way that can be hurtful or harmful to one’s self esteem or reputation Responses to criticism can be acceptance or defensiveness 4/6/2019 1.03 Growth & change