The following is a presentation containing aerial photos, zoning maps and concept plans for rezoning cases for the February 16, 2009 Public Hearing. To advance simply click the mouse. To exit the presentation at anytime close the window.
CZ-2009-9 APPLICANT: Stanley Huskey PROPERTY LOCATION: Roper Mountain Road PIN: 0547020101800 EXISTING ZONING: I-1, Industrial REQUESTED ZONING: S-1, Services ACREAGE: 2.93 CC: 21 - Burns
CZ-2009-10 APPLICANT: CCAD PROPERTY LOCATION: Harrison Bridge Road PIN: 0566020100802 EXISTING ZONING: R-S, Residential Suburban REQUESTED ZONING: POD, Planned Office District ACREAGE: 1.81 CC: 28 - Payne
CZ-2009-11 APPLICANT: Pat McNabb for Michelin North America, Inc. PROPERTY LOCATION: The Parkway at The Parkway South PIN: 0533040100802 EXISTING ZONING: PD, Planned Development REQUESTED ZONING: PD, Planned Development – Major Change to Permit Additional Signage ACREAGE: 7.3 CC: 21 - Burns
CZ-2009-12 APPLICANT: Greenville County Historic Preservation Commission TEXT AMENDMENT: Text amendment to the zoning ordinance removing the requirement that an owner consent to property being designated as historic by the Greenville County Historic Preservation Commission