Starter Activity
Flip Learning Due today: For next week (I expect you to spend some time on this) you will need to create a timeline for reconstruction. Use the next slide to help guide what you need to include. You will need to make some overview notes on each of the sections.
What impact did Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation have on the war? UNDERSTAND how the Emancipation Proclamation came about and role of Lincoln EXPLAIN the impact of the Emancipation and the role of African Americans on the war EVALUATE the impact the war had on the north and the south Key Words: Emancipation Proclamation
What impact did the Emancipation Proclamation have on the war? Now that we have understood how the proclamation came about, we need to think about the impact it has. The Emancipation had an impact in different ways, though the main one would be the enlisting of thousands of ex-slaves to the Union cause. From the start of the war Lincoln was under pressure as to whether to enlist black soldiers into the Union army. Whilst initially he stood firm against recruitment, mainly due to notion that people opposed the idea of blacks fighting against whites, this eventually started to change in mid 1862 as the Confiscation Acts gave Lincoln the power to use ex-slaves as a military force. By August 1862, the recruitment of black soldiers was not objected by Lincoln and in September the first official black regiment was mustered into Union service. After the Emancipation Proclamation a large influx of ex-slaves began to sign up and with northern opinion now on side due to the heavy losses, Lincoln now had 33,000 recruits with another 100,000 from the Confederacy which the Union would not have had before. What was even better is that many of them also fought as well as white regiments. UNDERSTAND how the Emancipation Proclamation came about and role of Lincoln EXPLAIN the impact of the Emancipation and the role of African Americans on the war EVALUATE the impact the war had on the north and the south
What impact did the Emancipation proclamation have on the war? Each pair now number themselves either 1 or 2. Depending on your number you will either be looking at the role of African Americans in the Union (pages 191-193) or the Confederacy (pages 193-194). In doing so I would like you to complete the following: Make a large copy of the diagram on page 194 Add evidence to the points at the end of the flow diagram based on which side you are looking at. You will then need to swap information with your partner. UNDERSTAND how the Emancipation Proclamation came about and role of Lincoln EXPLAIN the impact of the Emancipation and the role of African Americans on the war EVALUATE the impact the war had on the north and the south
How much impact did the Emancipation Proclamation have on the outcome of the war? Very little Large Write a PEE paragraph that explains your view UNDERSTAND how the Emancipation Proclamation came about and role of Lincoln EXPLAIN the impact of the Emancipation and the role of African Americans on the war EVALUATE the impact the war had on the north and the south
What impact did the war have on the north and the south? We have looked at the war and also considered the different factors in why the confederates lost. We now need to think about the impact the war had and in what way each side was effected by it. TASK: Each table has been given some information which you will need to revise. You have 10 minutes to do so. Then, you will complete a quiz and whichever table gets the most points wins a prize! UNDERSTAND how the Emancipation Proclamation came about and role of Lincoln EXPLAIN the impact of the Emancipation and the role of African Americans on the war EVALUATE the impact the war had on the north and the south
What impact did the war have on the north and the south? Now that we have looked at the impact of the war on both sides, we need to think about which side the war had the biggest affect on. Each table you have been given a side and for your side I would like you to do the following: Create a series of 5 images and one word in your notes that summarise the impact of the war on your side. Feedback your answers to the rest of the class UNDERSTAND how the Emancipation Proclamation came about and role of Lincoln EXPLAIN the impact of the Emancipation and the role of African Americans on the war EVALUATE the impact the war had on the north and the south
‘The war had the biggest impact on the South’ ‘The war had the biggest impact on the South’. How far do you agree with this view? Completely disagree Mostly disagree Completely agree Mostly agree Put your name on the post-it and place along the line. When I call your name you must give me one piece of evidence that supports your view. UNDERSTAND how the Emancipation Proclamation came about and role of Lincoln EXPLAIN the impact of the Emancipation and the role of African Americans on the war EVALUATE the impact the war had on the north and the south
Flip Learning For next lesson you will need to: TASK: Revise the impact of the war on the North and the South in preparation of a quiz on what you have learnt.