Project Background What is your project? What sector? Where is it located? Who are you partnering with (e.g. other NGOs, government, private sector)? Opportunity / What issue is being addressed? Why did you feel that this opportunity / issue could be addressed through ICT4D?
ICT4D Solution What is your software / vendor? What sort of technological support does it require? What sort of staff support does it require?
Key Successes What were the key successes in implementing this solution? (programmatic, technical, partnership-related or other)
Key Issues / Challenges What were the key issues / challenges in implementing this solution? (programmatic, technical, partnership-related or other)
Lessons Learned What can you say about how your solution has helped to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? What is the potential to scale your solution with stakeholders across geographical regions and sectors? What are the sustainability issues for this solution in terms of capacity, support, cost, addressing need, etc.? How can they be overcome?
Summary and Close What are the key messages you want participants to take away with them about your solution?