Chapter 11-14 Review Questions
11.2 Slavery (pg. 349) The Cotton Gin, Invented by Eli Whitney increased cotton production and the south benefitted financially from it. Owning slaves was a sign of wealth. Poor southerners didn’t own slaves. (pg. 350) Slaves were able to ease some of their mental pain by singing spirituals when they came together for religious meetings. (pg. 351)
11.3 Nationalism and Sectionalism (pg. 354 and 355) Henry Clay’s American System benefits our country and makes America self-sufficient. The Erie Canal is the first major canal built. It helped transport people and goods from the Great Lakes region west. (pg. 355). The time period after the War of 1812 was known as the Era of Good Feelings because the country was no longer troubled by political differences.
11.3 Nationalism/Sectionalism Sectionalism is loyalty to your section or region where you live. (Pg. 357) Nationalism – Was a feeling of pride and protectiveness in your own country. Pg. 358 – Sectional tensions grew between the North and the South when Maine wanted to enter the Union as a Free state. Eventually, Missouri would enter as a slave state. Henceforth, the Missouri Compromise.
11.3 Nationalism/Sectionalism Pg. 359 – President James Monroe issued a statement known as The Monroe Doctrine. In it he said that the Americans (Latin America) is closed to further colonization, so stay out!
12.2 President Jackson’s treatment of Indians Jackson had long supported a policy of moving Native Americans west of the Mississippi. Treaties were often forced on the tribes and the government would gain their lands. After the discovery of gold and the need for resources found on Native American’s land, Jackson asked Congress for a law that would make Indians move or adopt white laws and ways.
12.2 Jackson Congress passed the Indian Removal Act in 1830 and President Jackson immediately enforced it. (pg. 376) Indians were relocated thousands of miles to reservations in Oklahoma. 1/4th die from starvation, exhaustion and disease. It took them 116 days and the soldiers did not let them rest. This was known as The Trail of Tears. (pg.377)
13.3 Conflict over States Rights Congress passed a bill raising tariffs(taxes) on raw materials and manufactured goods. Southerners were angry because they would need to sell their cotton at lower prices to be competitive, yet pay high prices for manufactured goods they needed. Southerners felt that the North and Industrialization was behind it.
12.3 Tariff of Abominations Southerners called the tax Tariff of Abominations. Abomination meaning hateful/dreaded. (pg. 381) South Carolina even considered leaving the Union over the Tariff of Abominations. So John C. Calhoun had a plan called the Doctrine of Nullification, which said that states had the right to nullify (reject) a federal law it considered unconstitutional.
12.3 State’s Rights Debate Calhoun wrote a document called the “South Carolina Exposition and Protest”. It stated how he felt about states rights and it was very controversial. Webster and Hayne debate about Calhoun’s doctrine of nullification. Webster basically stated that the federal government has more power than the states. It is the people not the states that made the Union.
14.1 Immigrants The Irish came to the United Stated due to the potato famine and lack of jobs. Between 1.5 and 2 million left after 1845. By 1850, they made up 1/4th of the population of Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. They were discriminated against. “No Irish need apply.” However, many fought in the Civil War on the side of the North.