Marc Montull Supervisors: Jenny List, Mikael Berggren Forward Veto reconstruction processor for ILC BeamCal Marc Montull Supervisors: Jenny List, Mikael Berggren DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 1
Outline Goal Motivation SUSY/WMAP results Detecting SUSY Writing a Marlin processor My processor Conclusions Checks Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 2
Goal TO WRITE MARLIN processor Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 3
Goal TO WRITE THAT DETERMINES MARLIN processor γγ background Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 4
Goal TO WRITE THAT DETERMINES FOR MARLIN processor γγ background SUSY analysis Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 5
Goal Writing some C++ code that TO WRITE THAT DETERMINES FOR MARLIN processor γγ background WHICH TRANSLATES TO SUSY analysis Writing some C++ code that reconstructs energetic electrons and photons in the Beam Calorimeter of the ILC Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 6
What’s the γγ background. Why need to detect energetic electrons What’s the γγ background? Why need to detect energetic electrons? Why in the Beam Calorimeter? Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 7
What’s the γγ background. Why need to detect energetic electrons What’s the γγ background? Why need to detect energetic electrons? Why in the Beam Calorimeter? Relation with SUSY? Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 8
What’s the γγ background. Why need to detect energetic electrons What’s the γγ background? Why need to detect energetic electrons? Why in the Beam Calorimeter? Relation with SUSY? What’s a MARLIN processor? Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 9
ILC Let’s start from the beggining Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 10
ILC Let’s start from the beggining ILC: International Linear Collider 500 MeV CMS Electron-positron collider Nominal Luminosity Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 11
Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 12
We would like to find Supersymmetric particles… Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 13
related to detection of the two lightest SUSY particles My project: related to detection of the two lightest SUSY particles Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 14
Is it possible to produce and detect them? My project: related to detection of the two lightest SUSY particles Is it possible to produce and detect them? Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 15
SUSY Weak scale SUSY models Are highly motivated extensions of the SM Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 16
SUSY Weak scale SUSY models Are highly motivated extensions of the SM mSUGRA (minimal Supergravity) Convenient to study the gravity mediated SUSY breaking models Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 17
SUSY 4 parameters and 1 sign Weak scale SUSY models Are highly motivated extensions of the SM mSUGRA (minimal Supergravity) Convenient to study the gravity mediated SUSY breaking models 4 parameters and 1 sign m0, M1/2, A0, tan β, sign of μ Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 18
Mass spectrum only depends on SUSY It can be seen that Mass spectrum only depends on 2 parameters !! mSUGRA m0, M1/2 Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 19
Mass spectrum only depends on SUSY Is there any way of constraining these parameters? It can be seen that Mass spectrum only depends on 2 parameters !! mSUGRA m0, M1/2 Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 20
Dark matter WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) Measured DM content of the Universe Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 21
Dark matter ? WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) Measured DM content of the Universe It sets constraints to SUSY mass spectrum Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 22
Dark matter ? WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) Measured DM content of the Universe It sets constraints to SUSY mass spectrum mSUGRA Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 23
Dark matter mSUGRA Gravity-mediated supersymmetry breaking LSP is neutralino Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 24
Dark matter mSUGRA Gravity-mediated supersymmetry breaking R-parity conserved mSUGRA LSP is neutralino Neutralino is stable Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 25
Dark matter mSUGRA Gravity-mediated supersymmetry breaking R-parity conserved Neutralino couples to other particles very weakly mSUGRA LSP is neutralino Neutralino is stable Hard to detect Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 26
Dark matter mSUGRA NEUTRALINO IS A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR DM Gravity-mediated supersymmetry breaking R-parity conserved Neutralinos couple to other particles very weakly mSUGRA LSP is neutralino Neutralino is stable Hard to detect NEUTRALINO IS A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR DM Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 27
Neutralino good DM candidate Dark matter WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) ? Measured DM content of the Universe It sets constraints to SUSY mass spectrum Neutralino good DM candidate mSUGRA Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 28
Neutralino good DM candidate Dark matter WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) Measured DM content of the Universe It sets constraints to SUSY mass spectrum Neutralino good DM candidate mSUGRA Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 29
mSUGRA Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 30
mSUGRA + WMAP results = Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 31
Possible solutions for m0 and M1/2 mSUGRA + WMAP results = Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 32
Possible solutions for m0 and M1/2 mSUGRA + WMAP results = Processes to control DM amount [1] Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 33
Possible solutions for m0 and M1/2 mSUGRA + WMAP results = Processes to control DM amount Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 34
Possible solutions for m0 and M1/2 mSUGRA + WMAP results = [2] Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 35
Possible solutions for m0 and M1/2 mSUGRA + WMAP results = Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 36
Motivation SUSY could be produced if latest assumptions where right Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 37
Motivation SUSY could be produced if latest assumptions where right Co-annihilation region Mass ≈ Mass Mass diference Amount of DM Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 38
How to detect them? Motivation SUSY could be produced if latest assumptions where right Co-annihilation region Mass ≈ Mass Mass diference Amount of DM How to detect them? Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 39
Motivation Q Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 40
Motivation Q [3] Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 41
Motivation Q Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 42
Cuts on if electron transverse momentum is low Electron veto when electron’s transverse momentum is high [4] Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 43
Need to detect all electrons Cuts on if electron transverse momentum is low Electron veto when electron’s transverse momentum is high Need to detect all electrons Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 44
t-channel Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 45
Little transverse momentum t-channel Forward process Little transverse momentum Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 46
Forward region of calorimeter BeamCal: 4 < θ < 28 mrad Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 47
Problems Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 48
Many radiation in BeamCal Problems Many radiation in BeamCal Beamsstrahlung Bremsstrahlung Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 49
Many radiation in BeamCal Problems Many radiation in BeamCal Remember that we need to detect all electrons (as many as possible) Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 50
Goal TO WRITE MARLIN processor Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 51
Goal TO WRITE TO DETERMINE MARLIN processor γγ background Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 52
Goal TO WRITE TO DETERMINE FOR MARLIN processor γγ background SUSY analysis Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 53
What’s the γγ background. Why need to detect energetic electrons What’s the γγ background? Why need to detect energetic electrons? For vetoing these background Why in the Beam Calorimeter? Because it’s mostly a forward event Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 54
Writing a MARLIN processor Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 55
Marlin Modular Analysis Reconstruction for LINear collider Modular application framework for LCIO code Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 56
particles information Marlin Collections Collections are classes Way of storing particles information Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 57
Marlin Processors Gets a particle collection Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 58
Marlin Processors Gets a particle collection Does something to it Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 59
Marlin Processors Gets a particle collection Does something to it Gives it back Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 60
Marlin Processors Gets a particle collection Does something to it Gives it back Standard Methods virtual void init() virtual void process RunHeader (LCRunHeader* hdr) virtual void processEvent (LCEvent *evt) virtual void check (LCEvent *evt) virtual void end () Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 61
My processor Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 62
Read Variables from steering file Main steps Read Variables from steering file Read INPUT collection Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 63
Main steps Read Variables from steering file Read INPUT collection Select electrons or photons Select those within chosen energy range Propagate from IP to Bcal given B field , particle charge Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 64
Main steps Read Variables from steering file Rotation of axis Get average energy density on each detector layer from ROOT file Using BcEnergyDensity Read INPUT collection Select electrons or photons Select those within chosen energy range Propagate from IP to Bcal given B field , particle charge Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 65
Main steps Beam Calorimeter Read Variables from steering file Rotation of axis Get average energy density on each detector layer from ROOT file Using BcEnergyDensity Read INPUT collection Select electrons or photons Beam Calorimeter Sum Energy density for all layers Select those within chosen energy range Propagate from IP to Bcal given B field , particle charge Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 66
Main steps Read Variables from steering file Rotation of axis Get average energy density on each detector layer from ROOT file Using BcEnergyDensity Read INPUT collection Select electrons or photons Sum Energy density for all layers Select those within chosen energy range Parametrize efficiency of detector given Particle’s energy, energy density Propagate from IP to Bcal given B field , particle charge MoteCarlo method to see if detected TRandom3, get random seed Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 67
Main steps Read Variables from steering file Rotation of axis If detected write it to OUPUT collection Get average energy density on each detector layer from ROOT file Using BcEnergyDensity Read INPUT collection END Select electrons or photons Sum Energy density for all layers Select those within chosen energy range Parametrize efficiency of detector given Particle’s energy, energy density Propagate from IP to Bcal given B field , particle charge MoteCarlo method to see if detected TRandom3, get random seed Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 68
Main steps Additional features Read Variables from steering file Rotation of axis If detected write it to OUPUT collection Get average energy density on each detector layer from ROOT file Using BcEnergyDensity Read INPUT collection END Select electrons or photons Sum Energy density for all layers Select those within chosen energy range Additional features Parametrize efficiency of detector given Particle’s energy, energy density Create if wanted a ROOT tree for each kind of particle Propagate from IP to Bcal given B field , particle charge MoteCarlo method to see if detected TRandom3, get random seed Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 69
Steering file gives parameters to the processor Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 70
Steering file gives parameters to the processor B field Particle type Beam energy BCal position Energy range thresholdMax thresholdMin Input collection name Output collection detectAll createRootTree It looks like this Steering file Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 71
Steering file gives parameters to the processor B field Particle type Beam energy BCal position Energy range thresholdMax thresholdMin Input collection name Output collection name detectAll (within E range) createRootTree Output collection of detected electrons in the BCal Input collection Processor (forwardveto) Steering file Output collection Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 72
Conclusions That’s all I did The processor seems to work fine It will be available to anyone after some further checks are done Already someone expecting to use it !!! Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 73
Checks Written a new collection to see that the ouput collection from my veto processor readable and usable Checked that efficiencies are as expected for different energy ranges Checking that everything is ok Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 74
I’d like to thank My supervisors: Jenny List Mikael Berggren Summer student coordinators Andrea Schrader Joachim Mayer My group collegues Moritz Beckmann Christian Helebrant Daniela Kafer Tony Hartin Nicola D’Ascenzo Niels Meyer Benjamin Lutz Sebastian Ricther Jan Engels All the summer students !!! Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 75
And thanks for your attention !!! Have a nice day ! And thanks for your attention !!! Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 76
References [1,2] Experimental Implications for a Linera Collider of the SUSY Dark Matter Scenario, hep-ph/0406010v1 BeamCal performance at different ILC Beam Parameter Sets, Vladimir Drugakov New Analysis of SUSY Dark Matter Scenarios ILC, Zhiqing Zhang, ph-hep/0801.4888v1 [3] [4] Marc Montull DESY summer students 2008 12 September 2008 78